56. For the first time

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~Sybil POV~
I pinned sage to the mat and nibbled on her ear lobe, I feel sage wiggle under me and whimper. God she is so much fun to tease and play with, again! I said sternly getting off her and going back to the first position that I was in. Sage glared at me and runs towards me jumping on me, she wrapped her legs around my head and flipped me. I hit the mat and start losing oxygen as she squeezes her thighs together around my head. I started tapping her thigh telling her to release but she didn't let go. I reached out for something and I luckily got a bow staff and hit her in the face. Sage unwrapped her legs around my head and rolled backed, I coughed a few times feeling dizzy. I blinked and saw a bow staff come towards me and luckily I blocked it. Petit loup calm down now! I yelled as she started fighting me with the bow staff, she still wouldn't let up. I started fighting back to get her to stop and slow down but she wouldn't.

~end POV ~

~sage POV~
I couldn't stop attacking her, something in me told me to continue while she demanded me to stop. I kicked her in the stomach and round house kicked her in the face as I heard 3 sets of footsteps come into the gym. I watched Sybil stumble back and drop her staff, her nose was broken. Sucks to be her I guess I said inside my head. I dropped my staff and smirked seeing her fall down, I started running towards her but blaze grabbed me before I could hit her again. Mon Petit mostre calm down! She is down, she learned her lesson said blaze taking me to Zelda and Brianna. SHE DESERVES MORE! I yelled out seeing Riggs help Sybil with her face. Zelda can you make that special tea while Brianna and I take  sage to my room said blaze picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder. I wiggled and started hitting his back while Brianna walked behind blaze so I could only see her. She deserves more Brianna! I know Petit mostre I know said Brianna seeing a few bruises on my shoulders and neck. We finally get  to his room and he places me on the bed gently, blaze rubbed my cheek while he cupped my cheek. How hard did she train you this time asked Brianna pulling out a wrap and a few ice packs. I leaned into his hand and pointed at my shirt signalling them to lift it up. Baby girl do you want blaze to see? Brianna asked me while Zelda walked to us with some special tea, I nodded and lifted up hand slowly feeling pain. Zelda put the tea on blaze side table and walked to blaze whispering something to him, Brianna lifted my shirt halfway and stopped seeing bruising around my ribs, blaze get Zelda out of here she can't see this said Brianna putting my shirt down. Blaze nodded and started walking Zelda out as I just took off my shirt to make it faster causing me to grip the bed and gasp for air. Zelda turned around with blaze seeing black and blue all over my body, Zelda ran out the door and screamed out for Sybil while Brianna helped me up. I need to handle Zelda and save her from shooting Sybil sage I'll be right back  said Brianna running after Zelda. I watched her leave getting concerned about Zelda. I put on a ripped shirt that was camo from blazes laundry bin and ran after them. When I get to the living room Zelda had a metal baseball bat in her hand while Riggs is in front of  Sybil trying to calm down Zelda. RIGGS SHE DESERVES WHAT'S COMING FOR HER! Blaze yelled out as he sees me walk in, I sigh and grab a pistol from Briannas belt and shoot a glass of water between Riggs and Zelda. Everyone looked at me and the gun as I lift up the shirt showing Riggs, Riggs walked to me and crouched downs in front of me so he could see the bruising.  Sybil you said you were going to train her one simple move! NOT FUCKEN BRUISE HER WHOLE FUCKEN BODY! Riggs had a scary look in his eyes as he kissed my head. Salem walks into the living room and looks at everyone and automatically saw my body. WHO DI- Sybil did this ma'am said Brianna walking to Salem with a note in her hand. Salem read the note and nodded, get her out of here and deal with her blaze said Salem as Zelda started hitting Sybil with the bat. Riggs and Brianna call Maura and Zelda tell Rhea sage can't see sage for a few weeks because sage doesn't feel good. Yes ma'am said everyone except Sybil, I see Sybil all bloody and bruised from Zelda while a few guards walk into the room and drag Sybil out while blaze follows them. Salem picked me up and took me to the medical office to get me fixed up.

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