Chapter 3

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I slam the off button on my alarm clock and roll out of bed. It's still dark outside and it is unusually quiet.

 I go into the kitchen where I find my Mom sitting by a new loud computer. "What's this?" My Mother smiles and says. "It's from my publisher....but if you want you could use it sometime when I am not." I nod my head and look at it. After a few moments of ogling, she looks at me. "So it's your first day of high school...How are you feeling?" I shrug my shoulders trying to hide my nervousness. "It's the same as any other school." She nods. "I suppose but still aren't you a little excited?" I laugh a little bit shaking my head. "Not after all your horror stories." She sighs a bit. "That was more than a decade ago I am sure high school is at least a little different." She slightly smiles. "You should get ready I don't want you late on your first day alright?" I nod grab an apple from the fruit basket and take a bite before returning to my room.

I rummage through my drawers. I decide to wear dark blue low-rise jeans along with a black and brown striped shirt and leather jacket with faux fur lining. I grab a skinny burgundy scarf off from off my desk chair. 

"Are you heading out Lydia?" Mom says looking up from her computer but not stopping typing. "Yeah, I'll see you after school," I say while stumbling on one foot and trying to tie up my Doc Martens the same burgundy shade as my scarf. "Don't talk to strangers ok?" I laugh. "I know Mom I am not seven anymore." She lets out a small chuckle as she looks back up with me. "What?" She looks at my scarf. "That thing is so small is it even keeping you warm?"(Literally I have seen scarves from the early 2000s and jeez they were thin) I roll my eyes jokingly. "It's the style." She nods. "Besides you shouldn't be one to talk about fashion. I've seen photos of you when you were my age those shoulder pads were WILD and don't even get me started on your hair." She lets out a small laugh. "True true...You'd better get to school." I smile and turn back to the door. 

"Bye love you Mom"

She responds as I walk out the door. "Love you too! Have a good day"

The school is brick with white embellishments along the corner sides windows and doors of it. There is a pristine white fence wrapping along the outside of the school to match. As well as a small patch of brownish grass in the front of the school behind said fence, which is hard to see as it it mostly covered in mucky grey snow. A few random dead trees are placed around the patch. Students are huddled into little groups inside the fence. I take a deep breath and walk into the school gates.

I stand leaning against a tree methodically fiddling with my thumbs, which is why it is so shocking when a group of three kids comes up to me one taps me on the shoulder.

 "Hi uh sorry to bother you but we are with the school paper and were wondering if you'd be willing to contribute to a poll for it." 

The kid who asks this is tall and pale with dark almost black hair that covers his face slightly. He wears a pair black aviator glasses with a black puffer jacket to match and his face has a slight blush to it from the cold. I nod still a bit startled.

 "Uh sure what is the question?" The girl who tapped me on the shoulder who is tan in complexion and has long dark hair and bangs cut around her doughy face. "If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?" I laugh to myself for a second. "That's about the most idiotic question I've heard." The third boy who is tan and whose slightly taller than me and has swoopy dirty blonde hair and olive green eyes chuckles but stops when the short girl begins to stare daggers at him. 

With that the bell rings and class begins. 

I walk around the halls of the school looking for my homeroom, eventually I find it. 

I spot the boy from earlier, the one with the swoopy blonde hair sitting in a seat his eyes fixed on a book. I walk over to his table since I have nowhere  else to sit and plant myself in the desk across from him in the group of four desks that were put together. He notices me as a sit and looks up from his book and smiles. 

"Nice to see you again..." He looks at me seemingly trying to remember if he knew my name or not. "Lydia" I say and put my hand out for him to shake. He shakes it while he replies. 


After a mind numbing few hours of lectures of class expectations and switching from class to class it is finally time for lunch. After getting my food from the lunch line I wander around the cafeteria until I see Michael waving me over to his table where his sits with the two other kids from that morning. I go over to him and sit down. 


"Ava, Owen you remember Lydia from this morning right?" Ava nods with slight suspicion in her eyes. "I do." She says. "She never answered my question..." I guess she notices the confusion spreading across my face because she quickly adds "The one about the superpowers." She says with less malice in her voice than that morning. "Telekinesis....its just the most useful out of all of them and you can freak people out by pretending to be a poltergeist or something." She writes that down in her notebook then looks back up at me. "Personally I think invisibility is superior because you can do the whole poltergeist thing and hide from people." My mouth goes slightly agape "You're a genius." I say genuinely impressed at her thought process. "But I would still prefer telekinesis so I wouldn't have to get up to change the channel." She nods. "Agree to disagree?" She smiles. "Gladly." I smile back. 

The rest of lunch goes by fast and before I know it it's time to go home for the day. I walk out of the school and make my way to the bus stop. The ride seems to drag on forever and the sounds of my fellow teens™ is certainly not helping to make it any more bearable. Eventually we pull up to the bus stop closest to my apartment and I get off. 

I open the apartment door and am greeted by my mother sitting in a chair which she turned to face to door seemingly anticipating my arrival.

 I let out a small chuckle as I look at her grinning face. "How long have you been sitting like that?" She takes a sip from the mug of what I can only assume is tea in her hand and replies. "Only about 10 or so minutes...I just wanted to see you the second you got home." She gives me a smile again. "So how was it?"

  I flop onto the couch, on the cushion closest to her chair. "Better then expected....I sorta made some friends." I try to say as nonchalantly as I can. "Aw you did? What are their names?" She smiles in a relieved sort of way. It seems like she is just glad us moving didn't destroy my social life entirely. "Uhm Ava, Michael and uh Owen I think was his name?" My Mother smiles again and pinches my cheek the way my Grandma Annie (My Mom's mom) used to do when I was little. 


I say and she lets go of my cheek. "Sorry I just got excited." She laughs it off a little uncomfortably. 

Her gaze softens and she speaks again

"You're beautiful Lydia. I hope you know that"

I FINALLY got the motivation to finish this chapter not because it was hard to write but because it was a little boring lol. I promise it will get A LOTTT more interesting in the coming chapters. 

ily stay safe and see you next time! 〔'∇`〕

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