Chapter 6

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If you know me irl I'm looking at you, ADDIE. It would be so so so great if you didn't read this thxxx <33 

Everyone else enjoy chapter 6!!

January 31st, 2005: The next few days were a blur of questions and avoidance.

My Mother has refused to tell me anything other than the fact that he is alive, all I know is his name.

She hasn't told me whether or not he even wants to see me or knows of my existence.

Here we are again another Monday. I don't have as much of a pit in my stomach as I did on Thursday and Friday but it's definitely still there. 

I suddenly hear the sounds of my Mother yelling something about me being late for school. I jolt over to my nightstand and check the time. 8:06 AM. Shit. If I don't get to school in the next 14 minutes I'm going to be late, which means they will call my Mom which means I'll get another speech about how hard she tries and how I am not making it easy blah, blah, blah, then she'll go to her room and start crying so I will have to comfort her again. And I really can't deal with that today.

I throw on a random jacket and walk out of the apartment quick enough for her to not try and make small talk "Have a good day Lydia, I love you." I don't really pay much attention to what she says because my mind is on other things "Mhm ok." I say in response before quickly running out of the house.

I smash my finger into the call button of the elevator for a few seconds before giving up and deciding to just run down the three flights of stairs.

I eventually get down to the lobby panting and out of breath. I swing open the doors of the building and am immediately met with cold air blowing in my face. Shit I should've worn a scarf. Actually it doesn't matter I'll be inside all day anyway. I make my way down the street to the school bus stop and watch as it drives away without me in it. "Fuck" I say out loud without realizing it.

Why does this have to happen to me? Truly why this isn't some Disney channel original movie why must I miss the bus? It's my  own fault anyway. I think to myself as I walk down the street in the direction of the school. I should hopefully be able to make it into school before the bell rings if I keep up my pace.

Eventually I reach the already shut gates of Domenech (Get the reference? tehehe) High School. I try to shake the gets open and eventually realize that its pull not push. It seems like that whole ordeal of idiocy on my part caused me some much needed time because as I enter the courtyard of the school I hear the ringing of the late bell and decide that it's not worth it.

If they are going to call my Mother about me being late what is the point of even going to school? I mean the outcome is the same either way. I see a yard duty walk out of the building probably on her way to give me a late slip and send me to the office. I weigh my options and make the spilt second decision to go back out of the gates and skip school for the day.

I'm sure my grades will be fine. I always had good ones, Mom made sure of it. She wanted me to be a lawyer and so did I emphasis on did. Now I just want to marry some rich old guy who will accidently trip down a flight of stairs leaving me his wealth. I think it's a sound plan.

Besides I have better things to do...

I make my way to the construction site I went to weeks ago. 

The one my Father runs.

The sounds of hammers and clanking and people yelling commands at others its all a spew of yelling cursing banging and clanging.

I scan the area looking for him even though I only know his name. Maybe some other worker will say his name or something. 

I step over the caution tape and into the construction sight coughing from the dust that fills the air. A man who looks like Mr. Potato head from that kids movie toy story and Al Capone combined. "Hey you kid you're not aloud here." He says in a stereotypical New York accent I thought was the type only real in movies. "Uhm sorry I'm looking for someone.." I say my voice sounds shaky and uncertain as it leaves my mouth. "Who?" He says sounding accusatory. "Jason Dean." He lets out a loud laugh before calling over another man who is tall and lanky. One of those guys who looks like he hasn't drank water since 62'. "This kid is looking for the boss." the potato looking man says smirking wide enough where I can see a gold tooth shining in the light through his lips.

"Why do you want to see the boss?" The lanky celery looking man says to me. His voice is scratchy and he sounds like he has been eating cigarettes whole for the past 25 years. "Uhm he's my dad." Their faces drain of joy and the shorter one speaks. "Oh uhm he isn't here today..."He says tripping over his words. The taller one mutters under his breath. "Dean never said he had a kid."  He pauses for a second. "I think he'll be down around two." I nod my head. "Thank you both. "Sure." the potato head one says nodding his head.

I hop over the caution tape and check the time. 9:53 I have some time to kill. I can't go back home because mom is probably there working on her book since she hasn't said anything about going into the writers studio. So that is not an option. I eventually decide to go to a coffee shop and just waste time and money in there.

I buy a blueberry muffin, a CROISSANT, and a latte. I sit down and grab a notebook from my backpack and draw for a bit before texting my online friends about how I am skipping school. I want them to think I am cool. Which I might just be, I mean directly defying my Mother by going to see my Father whether it was immediately successful or not. Not to mention skipping school. God I am such a rebel. I wonder if my Dad ever did anything as defiant as I am. I bet he did.

I spend the rest of the time until two just walking around the city going into stores eventually I make my way back to the construction sight and I see the two men from earlier talking to another. They point at me and the tall one motions at me to come over. The man they are talking to stands out to me. I don't know whether it is his aura or the way he is dressed. He wears a black button up shirt and dark blue jeans with a black trench coat over top. His hair looks like it has gel in it but from what I can tell isn't slicked back in place. I can't see his face. I only see part of his shirt as his face is turned away from me and he is looking at the two men.

I make my way over to the three of them hoping over the caution tape yet again. I stand across from the man and I notice his face finally. I wasn't sure before but I notice how he has my eyes. Or I have his eyes I suppose. He looks me up and down almost as if he can read my thoughts, almost as if he can see through me. His gaze softens quickly however, he looks at me and shakes his head. "Your Veronica's kid." He says it more as a observation than a question. "Yeah.." I respond quietly. "What's your name?" He sounds somber. "Lydia." I say still quite. "Well Lydia." He shakes his head and chuckles. "You must despise me right?" He looks off to the side at nothing in particular. "No...I barely know who you are."

"You will...I promise that much."

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