Chapter 15

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For ninety minutes straight, my phone buzzed incessantly with a myriad of missed calls from JD.

His messages dripped with meaningless apologies and excuses. Lydia, knowing me ever so well, had locked herself in her room, sparing herself from my brewing anger and the tongue-lashing that would come with it. My stomach recoiled in disgust and pained me to realize that JD's influence seemed to outweigh my own in her life.

Attempting to focus on my writing of which I have been slacking recently, I struggled to shake off JD's persistent presence in my mind. Then, as feared, a faint knock echoed at the front door, growing slightly louder with each tap.

Opening the door, I was met with JD's familiar face. "What's the meaning of this?" I demanded, surprised by the coldness in my tone.

"Veronica, can I come in?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

"We can talk out here," I replied firmly, not ready to let him back into our home so easily.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Ronnie. I just wanted to see her. You've kept me away for so long."

I scoffed. "Don't try to blame me for this, JD. You know damn well why I can't trust you."

His expression softened. "I've changed, Ronnie. Can't you see that?"

I shook my head, refusing to let him off the hook. "Changing doesn't erase what you did. Not to mention you kidnapped my child, JD."

He winced at the accusation. "I never meant to hurt her. I love her...and you course', you know that."

Anger bubbled up inside me. "Love isn't enough, JD. You have to earn my trust."

He hesitated before speaking again. "Let's talk this out, like adults."

Reluctantly, I opened the door wider, allowing him to step inside. As we sat at the kitchen island, he lit a cigarette and offered me one. I accepted, taking a drag before speaking.

"Go on, then. Talk," I prompted, my voice strained.

"I know you're angry, Ronnie. But I'm begging you for another chance," he pleaded, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness.

I sighed, feeling torn. "Fine," I relented, though doubt lingered in my mind.

He wrapped me in a tight hug, whispering promises of change. But only time would tell if he could truly mend what he'd broken.

He kissed me on the cheek which I rubbed off as soon as he turned to the door.

"Thank you, I'll be back Veronica."

I could only hope he wouldn't fuck up.

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