Chapter 18

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TW suicide: I wont be making anymore TLDRs because the story in itself is getting too serious so if you can't read something like that I totally understand

Stay safe <33

"What do you mean she didn't tell me something?" I question him "Lydia, the night before Heather's 'suicide' she and your Mother got in a fight, I can't remember what it was about but Heather ended up promising to ruin her social life come Monday morning. She went to my house that night and uh- well that's probably how you were conceived."

We pull up to his complex and keep talking as we walk in.

He says it so matter-of-factly that it's honestly a bit disturbing. "Ew, what the fuck I don't want to hear about that shit." He nods and continues, "The next morning your mom realized what would happen if she were to accept her fate and dragged me over to Heather's house, we were going to make her a prairie oyster, say sorry." He pauses and looks out and up at the skyline sighing dramatically as he does. "She had other plans, she got out some drain cleaner and poured it into a cup." he shakes his head "I tried to stop her but she would hear none of it."

"You're a fucking liar" I cry knowing full well he's not, no one would lie about something like that, much less my own father. "Liddy I know you're scared, I get it I was too-" He tries to put his hand on my should but I push him away throwing the door to his apartment open, I don't make it past the kitchen before collapsing on the ground in an agonizing ball of wails and incoherent gibberish.


Is the only word my throat can seem to let out. My father steps towards me and sits down at the kitchen table.

He lights a cigarette,


He takes a puff,


He sighs,


He stands up,


He pulls me up and off the floor by my wrist, "You're fine" he says coldly, I can't respond and just meekly shake my head back and forth. I can't see ahead of me, I can't see the sympathy that surely is on his face. A sharp hot pain ignites itself on my wrist.


"See you're fine." My father says letting go of my wrist, cigarette between his fingers I grip my hand examining the newly formed burn that decorates my wrist. He pats the top of my head "I have work in a few, if you're hungry there are some things in the fridge." he says before abruptly turning, walking out of the kitchen, and then to the front door.

I can't fucking breathe

My mother is a murderer and my father is apathetic to the whole thing.

I have never wanted to die, that is until now. I shakily pull myself off of the pearl tile scanning the room until I spot a medicine cabinet. I don't think about it before I open up a random medication of which I don't care to read the label and shove the pills within down my throat swallowing hard.

After a few minutes I start to feel the effects, I get dizzy, I slump back down to the floor.

Everything goes black.                                     

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