Chapter 13

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I really need to start making better choices the words echo in my head while I get up from my bed. I groggily stumble my way into the bathroom and turn on the light to reveal a disheveled-looking version of myself with dark circles under my eyes and hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in years, on top of that my breath smells putrid.

I grab my toothbrush from the little plastic cup on the sink and lather on a thick coat of that red and blue striped goo with a base of white before brushing my teeth with a heavy sigh.

I don't know why I did it, why I slept with the man that had ruined my life a million times before and why I was giving him such leeway to crawl back into the life I had worked so hard to build. 

I'd like to blame it on a booze induced moment of weakness but I know I would have probably fell back into these habits sooner or later.

I don't remember most of the sex just bits and pieces; him unhooking my bra and more...unsavory acts. I am not sure if that's a blessing or a curse.

Then of course there was Lydia who was most definitely already seething at me for not picking her up, which quite frankly is ridicules seeing as she begged me to go to this strange school event.

Nonetheless I tie my hair up with a navy blue scrunchie and motor it out of the apartment.

Once I reach the school I see Di just standing there alone looking around at the kids or one kid in particular who is talking with a tall blonde woman who I presume to be his mother.

"Lydia" I call out walking towards her which causes her to avert her gaze from the kid and look at me her face twisted into one of complete (probably) hormone induced teenage girl rage.

"Mom." she looks like she is trying to burn a hole in my skull it's not working; she's not very intimidating.

I wrap my arm around her and direct her down towards Waters street; where we live. "Lydia I'm really sorry I fell asleep early last night and my phone was in the kitchen." I give her an apologetic look. "I didn't see the messages until this morning" that much was true.

"It's fine... really it is." She looks distraught about the whole thing still. "Lydia..why did you want me to come get you in the first place? Were people being mean because if ANYONE  was rude to you I can call your school and I'm sure they-" she cuts me off mid sentence. "No mom relax it wasn't anything like that I just got uh...homesick...that's all." I'm not sure if I should believe her, I'd ask her more questions bur frankly I'm too hungover for that.

We walk in silence for a bit too long until Lydia speaks "Can I stay at Dad's tonight?...if he'll let me." My god does she really need to be asking that. The last thing I want is for her to be around him right now, I know that's selfish but it's true. JD was never the smartest I'm sure he'd let it slip that something had happened between us to Di then I'll get bombarded with questions like I'm in the eye of a hurricane and every 'Why would you do that Mom?!' or 'Can't we just be a normal family?' is hitting me like a rough rain drop crashing down from the sky. Because of course JD is not to blame, no that would mean he's not some godsend father figure there to rescue her from me.

"Your father is very busy Lydia he probably doesn't have much time for that." I try to make up an excuse. "But mom I'm sure he'll be fine with it." She keeps pushing for it. "Di no besides I don't know his state of living." I retort. "Mom he is the head of a construction company in New York City he must at least have the same space as us and I doubt it's even that bad." I ignore her comment on the state of our apartment. She keeps trying to convince me but I don't budge. The thought of JD makes me sick to my stomach for the first time in a while, it's probably my own selfishness manifesting onto my perception of him but I don't feel like getting into the psychological workings of my psyche.


February 16 2005

Dear Diary,

I haven't seen or heard from my father in my father in more than a week and thanks to Mom finding out about my little daytime snappy shake chronicles she'll get an immediate call from the school if I am even five minutes late to a class. Which was her request because of course it was.

Shit with Michael is weird, come Monday morning I was dubbed his girlfriend by practically all of Domenech. His hand found a new place around my shoulder, or waist, or interlocked in my own hands. Whenever he would do it I'd feel my insides twist and turn in one and other, I never felt butterflies so I'm sure that's what it was, nonetheless he's been really sweet but I just don't think I feel that way about him if that makes sense? But it's too late for that I suppose if I broke it off now it would completely wreck one or all of my friendships, which I don't have very many off to begin with.

I'm sure feelings will come eventually.

I hear my Mother call for me to come out and get some breakfast. I shut my diary and put it back under my mattress and shuffle out to the kitchen where I see two pieces of toast and with the contents of whatever fruit was about to expire. I hog down the food then grab my backpack with barely a word to my mom besides 'thanks' and 'bye'.

I make it through my first classes up to third period without being bombarded by my needy fucking boyfriend but I do catch him staring at me a few times in our shared first period. God he pisses me off sometimes.

The first class break of the day is easy because neither Owen Cho nor Micheal Richards are there because of some coding club so I'm stuck alone with Ava Lopez (I just found out their last names so I've been using them a lot)

"What did you get on the science test?" She breaks the silence "Me personally I bombed it." She adds "73% could be worse." I respond. After that the thick stench of awkwardness fills the air invading my lungs causing my breathing to shallow a bit. "So, you and seem happy?" She says it as more of a question than observation. "Mhm yeah he's really great!" I lie through my teeth and the look on her face shows me she can see it clearly. "Wait Lydia did he ask you?" I furrow my brow in confusion. "To be his girlfriend" Ava adds to make her question clear. "Oh uh no he didn't actually" I rub my hand along my arm trying to relax myself.

"Did you want to date him?"

Her words startle me, I didn't think she would be so upfront. "Course I did" I reply in the cheeriest tone I can muster. "As long as you're happy." She gives me a half assed sympathetic smile.

We don't talk much the rest of break and as soon as the bell rings I dart off to my next class. Fourth and fifth period go by slowly but I don't mind, the idea of lunch freaks me out.

I walk out to lunch to find the whole group already there. Micheal smirks at me and pats the seat next to him indicating for me to sit next to him. I do. The entire lunch he is stroking my hair, looking into my eyes, all that stuff that should make someone faint.

I don't pay much attention to the talks of school sports or the shit talking of school facility members. Lunch comes to a close and before I get the chance to make my escape Micheal grabs my hand gently and pulls me back by his side before pushing my hair behind my ear and lightly kissing me on the cheek. I am so completely taken aback I just let out a nervous laugh say bye and get up to go again. My view meets Ava's and her face is contorted to one of sympathy and probably some shock.

Sixth and seventh period come and go and before I know it I am walking back home, that is until a familiar (or should I say familial ;)) ) car pulls up besides me.

"Hey Liddy hope in." I am taken by surprise and turn to see my Dad in his car hand out the window cigarette in said hand. Without a second thought I get into the passenger's seat. 

This should be fun.

Ik I do too many authors notes but I really truly want to know you guys think of Micheal or any of the characters/their portrayals for that matter :)

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