Chapter 9

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Greyson's POV~

I can't believe he's here, in the same mall as me shopping! He looks so perfect standing there.

"Uh, why did you stop?" Cole asks a few feet away and I roll my eyes, does he not see the perfection?

I grabbed Cole's arm and pulled us behind one of the malls overly large potted ferns. Holding down a leaf I direct Cole's head. "Ryan, is right there." I say and he chortled out a laugh.

"That's what you're freaking out about?!"

"Shhhhh." I hissed and covered his mouth. Which was a stupid thing to do as Cole licked my hand.

"You don't know where my hands have been, you're so gross." I gag and wipe my hands on his shirt but keeping my eyes locked on the stunning guy in the dark store.

I sigh, "Why can't he really notice me." I lean my head on Cole's shoulder.

"Well?" Cole looks at me expectantly. and I give him a raised eyebrow and he huffs, rolling his eyes. "Stop being a pussy willow and go talk to him!"

"What the hell is that?" I turn to him with a frown and he shakes his head pushing me from our hiding spot.

"Go talk to him and I swear if you don't talk to him I will." he threatens and I knew that it wasn't empty.

Taking a deep breath I give Cole my bags as he goes to sit on the ledge of the fountain, him having the best front row view of this.

I turn to look back at Cole and bite my lip. What if he laughs at me? What if he thinks I'm weird!?

'Go' Cole mouths to me and waves me off. I take a breath and walk into the dark store labeled 'Hot Topic'.

Taking another breath I check my hair in the reflection of a mirror and walk into the store. There weren't many people here, but still enough for good business.

My eyes land on Ryan across the store who was looking at shirt with some other shirts and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans over his shoulder. His headphones were in and he looked like he was at peace.

Walking closer I take my sunglasses from my pocket and put them on, looking at some jeans on a shelf.

What the hell, these are so high prices!

I take a glance from the jeans to Ryan and I could even hear his music from where I stood only three to four feet away. His music must have been all the way up as his demon music flowed through his ears.

I look back outside the store and Cole was giving me a thumbs up with a encouraging grin.

I cooly walk behind him. Okay Grey I got this, I'm just a normal shopper here to buy stuff and secretly spy on my crush. No. Not my crush, my obsession.

I take a deep breath as I prepare to talk to him, but that was a bad idea. I'm standing right behind him, ah, he smells so good! Like, like, I don't know what this smell is but it's heavenly.

"Uh, what're you doing?" I eyes snap up to the brown eyes looking down at me confusedly.

"Hey! Ryan, funny seeing you here." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Uh, it's a store." He smirked and I felt my face flush. "And why are you wearing sunglasses? Are the fluorescent lights too much for you your highness ?" He taunted, my face only getting worst. Taking the glasses off, I give him the best glare I could.

"No, they just go really great with my outfit!" I shrug, my hands on my waist as I held my head up to him.

"Okay, drama queen." he said and turned back to his shirt.

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