Chapter 5

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Greyson's POV~

Sighing to myself I look around the classroom and roll my eyes. I hate English. But then again I love English, how so? Well it could be that the teacher is awesome, it could be the fact that we can text in class, or the fact that there's no one other than Cole Meyers, my mega best friend in the world, is sitting a seat across from me.

I the school's most unliked person is best friends with the schools popular football star and yes, and it get's more cliche,  he's beyond hot. He's scolding, he's practically lava! But just to get things straight, he's straight, and that's fine.

I open my camera and whisper his name from across the room, Cole turn's around and his chocolate eyes lock onto mines.

"Smile handsome." I say and he gives me that dazzling smile just as I take the beautiful shot. "Thanks." I say and he nodded. Cole and I have known each other since we were in the seventh grade, so me taking a picture of him in class is nothing new, he had defended me when I was being bullied for my long hair and being gay, so in return I was his faithful slave and followed him like a lost puppy, in my eyes, he's a god.

" Ten minutes of class, do whatever you want." Mr. Strider said and the class erupted in chatter and loud noises.

I feel large hands mess with my neat little bun and look up to Cole with a glare, "Stop it you little ass hat I worked hard on this." I swat his hands away from my hair and Cole comes to the other side of the desk to pout at me.

"But I like you're hair down better." He said, taking my hair from my bun and ruffling my hair, taking the dark brown strands in between his tips and playing with them, even sticking a few pieces in my ear.

Which I hate.

"I'll kill you one day." I glare at him, the clock read five minutes of class yet and the most I could do was put my hair in a messy bun. "And when I do, I'll dance on your grave." I say and gather all my stuff to put it in my bag.

"So, how's Ryan?" he asked and I shrugged. "The same. He smiles more now." I nod and he raises an eyebrow disbelievingly.

Ryan, Ryan Town. He's the love of my life. I absolutely adore him from the bottom of my heart to the top. Even if he doesn't acknowledge me more than twice a week. From his pitch black hair to his septum piercing, his black eyeliner and gothic clothes, he's quiet but also mysterious and that's a huge turn on for me.

"Grey, time for lunch." I look up and see Cole and I are the only ones in the classroom now.

"Oh..." I stand and he gives me a smirk as we walk down the halls "You're drooling." he says and I throw him my middle finger as I turn the corner and bump into a lean body.

"Zayd." I look up at his deep voice, he said my name. "Watch where your going, clutz." he then smirked and walked away, his piercing lime green eyes full of amusement and question. He's wearing a black twenty one pilots shirt with some white skinny jeans. His converses squeak a bit with his long strides. He had his eyebrow piercing in today, it was a small dark blue skull and his lip ring was shining beautifully from the rays of sun coming in from the third floor windows.

"Grey, you're drooling again. A whole puddle actually." Cole says and I punch his muscular arm.

"One day I'll sew your stupid mouth shut." I say and wipe the small trail with the back of my hand as we continue walking towards the lunchroom, "Buy me food." I ask sweetly as I check my wallet seeing I only had three dollars, fifty cent and some lint.

"Of course sugar plum." He said and pinched my cheek. The lunch lady looked at us weirdly and I smiled picking up a burger and coke while Cole got a pizza slice and some fruits.

"I need to go shopping." I pout to myself and look at my stupid phone case. Mostly I just wanted a different one.

"You went shopping two weeks ago." Cole rolled his eyes and pulled my chair for me.

"Two weeks too long." I roll my eyes. Yes, I'm a boy that loves to shop, me and my mother used to go shopping almost every week and we'd come home with more bags than we could carry.

"You can wait another week." Cole said and I gasped dramatically. "I need my weekly shopping trip." I say and he rolls his eyes, but they freeze on something and I turn around to the basketball team.

"Hey chump. Hey fag." The basketball captain Sam said, the latter obviously directed at me. I looked away and took a sip of my coke.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." Sam sneered and I turned around with a huff. 

"Well I don't want to talk to you so just go scamper off." I flick my hand to motion away and he glared at me.

"Look, the little girl grew some balls." and some people laughed. "Do us all a favor and stick to your own gender, you're a boy for fucks sake, you're mom didn't carry you for nine months to come out a little tranny." He says and I frown at him and turn in the seat looking down at my half eaten food, not having an appetite anymore.

"Fuck off! he hasn't ever done anything to you so just leave him alone." Cole yelled and I clamped onto his shoulder to get him to sit back down.

"Look his nails are even manicured, how much of a girl do you want to be!" Sam chortled and I hid my hand under the table. Yes, their manicured, not polished but just manicured and they look damn great, better than Sam's fucking nubs that he calls nails.

A large hand shot out and grabbed my hand from under the table. Tim, one of Sam's goonies, held my hand out and the guys inspected it. "What? No pink polish?" One of them sneered and I took my hand back and rushed away from them out of the cafeteria and the looking eyes, they're judging me and I hate it.

Little do they know, being called fag and tranny really hurts! It really fucking hurts!

Yes, I want to be a girl, I've never felt right being a boy. I felt too different from all the other kids, trapped.

"Why're you crying?" I look up to see Ryan and I quickly wipe my eyes and tried to play it cool, but I guess he'd already seen.

"Why were you crying?" he asks and I shrug sniffling a bit. "People can be mean." I say.

Ryan steps closer and wipes a tear that was already down on my chin. "Don't waste you're tears on jerks like them, they should be wasted on something like a sale at Forever 21 or whatever." He smiles gently and I feel myself itching to wrap my arms around him in a huge hug.

"Why're you being so sweet to me?" I say with a bitter laugh and Ryan smirked a bit. 

"You interest me Hophner." He says and strides off.



I saw Cortessa's comment bout me being a better writer and that's not true.

Picture is of Meghan played by Emma Stone

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