Chapter 10

11 1 0

Sage Elizabeth McCoy

We arrived at the school 10 minutes later.

"Brian can you pop the trunk?" I asked, getting out of the car. He pressed the button on the key and I went to the back of the car.

I grabbed one of Brian's hoodies and put it on. "Ready?" Brian asked. I nodded.

We walked to the school's football field. "Wait. We didn't even buy tickets." Brian whispered to me. My eyes widened in realization. I patted my pockets. I found a crumbled up $5 bill in my left back pocket. "Do you have five dollars? We can just pay at the gate." Brian nodded and started digging through his pockets.

He pulled out $10 dollar bill. "Put your money away, I can pay for both of us." He said.

I shook my head. "No! Let me do this myself. We talked about this yester- Hey you dropped something." I said, looking at the rectangular piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up. "Club 69?" I asked. Brian snatched the card fro my hand.

"Uh th-that's not mine." He said, his cheeks turning the color of a fire truck. "Sure it isn't." I cooed, pinching his cheeks. "But look at the bright side, buy one more Margarita and you get the 10th one free." Brian groaned and I laughed. "You should take me with you sometimes." I said, elbowing him.

Brian rolled his eyes. "You hate clubs."

"But I love seeing you embarrassed. Plus, I mean who wouldn't want to go to a club named Club 69? I sounds fricking awesome." I said. The line was slowly moving up.

"Well yeah it is pretty awesome. I didn't think I'd like it at first if I'm being honest. But there was just something about the fabulous drag queens and the 'I don't care, no regrets' vibe about the club that made me love it." he said smiling. I smiled at Brian smiling.

"Have you taken Courtney there?" I asked.

"Who? Oh! My girlfriend yeah, no I haven't. She'd hate it." he said, furiously shaking his head. I laughed at his franticness. Finally we moved to the front of the line. Brian handed the lady his money and she gave him a ticket and five dollars back. I handed her my crumbled up bill and she handed me the same as Brian, minus the five dollars.

"To the concession stand!" I yelled and took off running. I dodged bodies left and right. I could hear Brian yelling from behind me. I turned to look at him. "Watch out!" he yelled. I gave him s confused look. Right before I could turn around I ran into a brick wall. A brick wall....with feet?

Why does this brick wall have feet?

"That's because I'm not a brick wall." I snapped my face up and saw Seth standing there smiling down at me. He extended his hand out to me. I grabbed it and allowed him to pull me up. "Dude. What are you? Like 25 pounds?" he asked. I huffed. "No!"

"Ok, now this is just creepy." Brian said, catching up to us. "Did you plant a tracking chip on her or something?" Brian asked Seth. "Oh! I've got it!" he yelled, snapping his finger. "You put the waterproof tracking chip in her Starbucks drink a few days ago, so now it lies somewhere that she can't poop it out." He said as if he just discovered the cure to cancer. Me and Seth stared at him.

"Anyway." I said after a good minute had gone by. "What brings you here?" I ask Seth.

"My little cousin is on the team and begged me to come to his last game. Of course I kept saying no, but then he guilt tripped me."

"You and I both." Brian said. I flipped him my pinky finger and went up to the food stand.

"Can I have one hot dog, two Snickers bars, three Reese's, and a sprite please?" I asked the girl at the counter. She stared at me for a second longer then nodded.

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