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Author's pov

The rays of sunlight entered inside a huge cozy room revealing a muscular and handsome man sleeping while burying his face in his pillow but his beauty sleep was disturbed by the annoying alarm. He woke up lazily,turned off the alarm and proceeded towards the washroom. As he turned on the shower to take a bath, the warm water made way to its devilishly handsome body and water tracing down his well toned abs. he came out of the washroom and and started getting ready in his closet. As he was ready, he came and stood infront of the mirror . He was ATHARV SINGH RATHORE. His aura was breathtaking and dangerous.

Atharv's pov

As i came downstairs and saw my sister on the dining table. She was having her breakfast while using her phone. The moment I took a seat and took a sip from my extra strong coffee , my dad spoke "i hope you are getting along with anika, remember she is your finance so you better treat ryt."
" Yes dad i am trying to but you know- " as i was saying but my dad cut me off.
" No i don't know anything, you have get along with her. You know what you are taking her on a date. I don't care." Just then my mom spoke just like any other brown family.
"Com'n on uday, don't force him" my mom said while taking my side but dad shook his head and again repeated "do what I said son. Your grandmom cares least about the daughter in law thingy but she wants the best queen for our kingdom remember." My dad left for office and I also got over with my breakfast and left. But before going i texted my so called fiance anika about taking her to the date and she texted back with kissing emojis on which i obviously rolled my eyes.

Later at night, after getting over with that exhausting date and came back home. Gosh! What a date! She kept blabbering how she got information about me or shall I say stalked me, about her favourite brands and blah blah.

Author's pov

Atharv entered inside his room, took a quick shower and chaged into my casuals. As he was ready to sleep, he heard a knock on his door. He opened his door and saw his dear sister aarvi standing. Atharv asked "what do you want? "
Aarvi replied sarcastically" that's a great way to treat your sister . " He rolled his eyes and let aarvi in his room. Even though they fought like every other siblings but still who ever sw them, they always told them that they are the ideal siblings and that's definitely not a lie.
"So the thing is your marriage preps are starting from tomorrow and I have appointed my really good friend who is always a great wedding planner for this job. Her name is ishika saxena and this is her number." After giving all this information
She got up to leave the but before leaving she said "i don't like anika, neither do you so please do what you want not what dad wants it's not like dad wants bad for us..... it's just that he doesn't know what he is doing ". After saying all this she stromed out definitely being disappointed on her brother.

Atharv sat there some moment thinking why he is marrying then he went to sleep but not before taking sleeping pills.

Meanwhile the whole day on the other side...

Author's pov

A flight landed on london from india and a beautiful woman comes out from the arrival gate with her suitcases and called someone. That is ISHIKA SAXENA.

Ishika's pov

I reached london safely and called aarvi to let her know that i have arrived at london and will be letting her know that I will be at rathore mansion tomorrow. I got a taxi and reached my apartment and started unpacking and settling when my phone rang showing Mrs Rajvansh. I looked at it and declined it. I just wanted after what all happened. I got ready and went for a little shopping. After coming back i changed and was about to sleep when again my phone rang showing Mr Rajvansh . I declined it and went to sleep .

Author's pov

The next morning, ishika woke up and got ready to go to the rathore mansion.

She soon reached the rathore mansion and stood infront of a huge door. She rang the bell and a servant opened it asking her whom she is here to meet to which she replied that she is here to meet arrvi. The moment she said aarvi, aarvi saw her while coming downstairs and ran towards her and hugged her tightly. " Oh my god, finally you came. I am so glad you agreed." Aarvi exclaimed.
"Me too btw where is everyone?" Ishika asked
"They are all in, come i will introduce."

They came and aarvi introduced to everyone and told her to go and meet atharv. She instructed her where his study room is and told her to meet him and discuss everything about the functions and whatever he wants like outfit stuff or any change in plans. Ishika started going upstairs towards the study room and knocked on the door but it was not answered. She knocked again 2-3 times but still wasn't answered. Then finally she decided to go in by herself but just then the door opened with a jerk and she was to hit the ground when she was caught by two muscular arms wrapped around her waist, she had her eyes closed in fear.

Ishika's pov

When aarvi instructed me to go to atharv's study room, i went started knocking but still it was not answered and I got really pissed off. I tried to open the door and get in and just then the door opened with a jerk letting me almost fall and kiss the ground. Just then when I felt nothing but some muscular arms protectively around my waist , i opened my eyes to see a handsome man standing infront of me. I was ready to explode since I was abit short tempered so on top of that this guy was not even opening the door even after being knocked so many times. Then i noticed that he was leaning closer to me being completely lost. Wait! Is he trying to kiss me?! Wtf.

Atharv's pov

I was in a meeting since morning trying to discuss about the new project but someone was knocking again and again. Finally i got annoyed and went angrily towards the door and opened with a jerk just to let that person stumble and was about to fall. In reflex action i caught that person it's waist and that's when I noticed her she wearing her casuals, beautiful straight Black hair, no makeup just beautiful. She was looking so gorgeous that I felt attracted towards her and completely lost. I didn't realise when I started leaning closer and that's when she pushed me with a jerk.

Author's pov

Ishika said angrily "oh hello mr, what are you doing?! Wre you trying to kiss me ryt now."
Atharv replied " excuse me, i saved you from falling first of all and now you are showing anger miss?"

"Ishika , ishika saxena. Thanks but I didn't need help from you besides you were not opening the door from that time. So i-" that's when ishika was cut off by atharv

" So? You would try to storm in!"
"I was just here to discuss about your wedding but nevermind. I will talk to aarvi itself only"

After saying these,they parted their ways but little did they know there is so much more coming.

Hello famsss. Hope you liked the first part. Please share your opinions in the comments and please do vote. I will be publishing every Saturday and sunday. See youuu ✨🥰😊

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