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Author's pov

when ishika was in her thoughts,her trance was broken was Mr Rathore's voice on the mic. _good evening ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us in our happiness. Now i would like to call for those for whom this amazing evening is held, my son and his fiancee.__. mr rathore announced on the mic and everyone's attention turned towards the couple who were walking in hand in-hand and climbing on the stage together. Very soon everyone started talking how profitable couple they were looking. By profitable they meant both are business partners and it would profit their business in future especially anika.

Ishika was looking at both of them with sad and gloomy face. Herself she didn't know why she was feeling these feelings,why was she feeling bad looking at anika and atharv together. But there was another woman also who was not happy with them being together who was non other than aarvi. She did not want to see her brother with someone whom he dislikes or for some one who is just selfish and is obsessed with her brother.

I don't know why when mr rathore announced them to come on the stage and announce their relation, my heart ached. I felt hurt for some reason. I mean why am I getting hurt, it's not like i like him or something ryt. Ughhh ishu what are you thinking,you are his wedding planner nothing else.

I felt as if someone was stabbing me when dad announced about anika and me being together. I felt even more ache in my heart when i saw ishika, her eyes they were hurt. For some reason i felt like straight away going to her and hug her tightly. Am i falling for her ? No no i should not be falling for her, i should be falling for anika she is my fiancee. What's wrong with me?!


atharv was thinking all this and was standing with rest of his business partners just then he saw ishika smiling and talking with vikram. His blood boiled seeing his friend flirting with her. He was looking at them with murdering eyes that any moment he would go kill vikram with his bare hands. He was walk up to them and then suddenly the anchor of the evening started announcing _good evening ladies and gentlemen,today is a very special mr rathore so why not have a couple dance. I request all the couples to come on the dance floor_. When the anchor finished announced , atharv could see vikram dragging ishika to the dance floor so he also dragged anika to the dance floor . All the couples were dancing happily except anika and atharv. Anika could sense that his eyes are fixed on someone who is not her. She turned to see who it was and she found ishika who was giggling and smiling while talking to vikram. She turned to atharv and said _i can't believe ishika could be such a slut i mean look at her face,looks so innocent but knows very well ho-_ she was about to speak further when Atharv cut her off in the middle saying _enough anika. I don't want to hear a single thing against her you got it_ , he said these words in his dead serious tone and turned to leave.

Then suddenly the lights become dim and abit dark because of which when the partners started switching no one was able to recognise their partner except some. Soon that time of music came when partners changed. Ishika's partner who was vikram changed, her soft hands went to someone's rough ones. Before she could realize who it was, he pulled her towards him by his waist and started moving with the music. He jerked her towards him because of which there was only a few inches gap between their lips and any moment they would kiss. Surprisingly she didn't feel uncomfortable i mean if it could've been someone else she would have slapped the shit out of him. He came close to her ear and whispered in a husky voice _you are mine_. Ishika's eyes closed realized who it was and said in a low voice _a-atharv_. Suddenly he jerked her round and backhugging her nuzzling his face in her neck. She closed her eyes feeling his touch, he again whispered in a husky voice _you are mine....whom do you belong?_. Ishika felt shiver running down her spine feeling his breath on her neck.

_y-yours_ ishika stuttered. soon she realized in what position thet were she pulled away and looked straight into atharv's eyes before running out of the venue. Ishika went outside running and quickly left the venue in a cab. Atharv stood there looking at her retreating figure thinking why he reacted like that but there was someone else who also witnessed all this.


Atharv was in his study room working on his laptop when someone dashed into his room. It was aarvi! Aarvi growled at him _what the hell bhai! How could you do this?!_. Atharv was shocked seeing aarvi like this cuz as much as he knows aarvi never behaved like this. He replied _what happened vi why are you shouting like this? And what did i do?_.
Aarvi shouted at him angrily _seriously?! You are asking what did i do? What were doing with Ishika at the party?_. Aarvi took a long breath before continuing, seeing his brother quite _see i know that you don't like anika in any way but why are you playing around with ishika's feeling?! Yes bhai i saw you with her at the venue when you were so close with her_. _see vi i myself don't know why i did that but i just felt it right but i promise you vi, what is right i will do that only_ atharv said to aarvi and walked up to her and hugged her ensuring her.


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