Chapter 13

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What. The. Fuck.

My mom was looking at me with the utmost confused and yet slightly proud look engraved in her hazel eyes. My dad's usually cheery face had become one of a protective father, willing to do anything to keep his daughter safe from this intruder. Travis' mouth had turned down into annoyed scowl. My sister, who was currently trying to hide her shock at Mr. McCoy's dashing good looks, was the one who finally spoke up first.

"And who, exactly would you be?" my sister asked in the most enticing voice she could muster while trying to not raise any suspicion from Travis.

Mr. McCoy's eyes shifted over to mine, something I couldn't quite pin, floating in his deep blue eyes. His hand grazed over my arm, raising the hairs that lye there with his slight touch. His perfectly calloused hand suddenly enveloped mine in its size and warmth. On cue, our fingers naturally intertwined and my heart skipped a beat at the intimate contact. I tried to ask him what the hell was going on with my eyes but he quickly looked away and landed his stare on my sister.

"My names Nathan. I'm the ever lucky guy that gets the pleasure of dating this beautiful woman." Mr. McCoy nodded in my direction.

I'm sorry, what?

A short, nervous laugh escaped my lips and I squeezed Mr. McCoy's hand in a death grip for catching me so off guard.

A strangled noise made its way through his throat but he managed a laugh to cover it up. Though, before I had a chance to do it again, Mr. McCoy snagged me up to where he was standing and wretched his hand out of mine and slid it around my slim waist, dragging me right up against his side. My hand on instinct came up around his back and rested there. I couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate the ample amount of muscle that I could feel being flush up against his body.

"You must be her sister?" he quickly interjected to avoid anymore awkward outbursts from me. Claire smiled one of her award winning smiles and batted her eyelashes at Mr. McCoy.

"So, she's mentioned me?"

"No, not really. You just have the same color hair so I put two and two together," he finished and my sisters vibrant smile was cranked down a few notches.

"Alex, why didn't you tell us we'd be having another guest for dinner?" My mom's voice rang out inquisitively.

My stomach clenched in panic. Oh, god, what do I say? 'Oh yea cuz he's actually not supposed to be here and just showed up randomly; and oh yeah, he happens to be my professor'. Yeah, I don't think that will go over too well with the family.

"Uh, he um...," I stuttered, trying desperately to think up some lie. "He wasn't supposed to be able to make it. He had a bunch of meetings that he had to go to and couldn't get out of. I didn't think it necessary to tell you about him yet if you weren't gonna meet him. Don't wanna jinx anything!" I smiled and jammed an elbow playfully into Mr McCoy's side, earning a small grunt from him in the process.

"Yeah, thankfully I was able to move some things around today and wanted to surprise you." He looked down at me and smirked. "I know how much you love surprises."

I wanted nothing more in that moment than to reach up and strangle every single one of his annoyingly charming words out of that tan neck of his.

"Well, consider me surprised!" I exclaimed with every bit of excitement that I could rally at the moment.

"Hey, sweetie," I bit out as pleasantly as I could "Would you like a tour of the house?" I asked and raised my eyebrows at him expectantly, daring him with my anger laden, hazelnut eyes to say no. His own eyes widened a bit in what I hoped to be fear.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now