Chapter 20

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"So, why can't you tell me, or won't tell me who you're going out with tonight?" Rachel asked for the seventh time that hour.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her and continued to get dressed for the occasion. How does one dress for their first date with their professor?

It had been two days since Nathan and I's blow out make out session in his classroom and I swear I was still high from the experience. Ever since that moment, I had been deliriously happy. It was as though a dam filled to the brim had finally ruptured and I felt as though I could breath again. The world was no longer hazy and filled with more confusion and frustration than any one person can handle.

Everything felt right.

Nathan and I hadn't seen each other since that day but he had called me yesterday with plans of dinner and a surprise that he still wouldn't tell me what it was that he had in mind. All he told me was to dress, and I quote ' as beautiful and sexy as I do everyday'.

Talk about swooning.

I continued to finger through my make up bag in search of my mascara as Rachel towered over me in the bathroom awaiting my answer.

"I just can't Rachel. I don't want to jinx anything before it gets good," I lied through my teeth. Was that last bit true? Yes, but I think the fact that it's still illegal to be dating my professor, even if it's just for a few more weeks, kind of trumps any other reason.

She scoffed and stomped her foot like a five year old. 

"Fine, be that way," she wined and pinned her eyes onto mine in the mirror. "But if you guys sleep together and I don't hear anything about it, I think I may call our friendship off."

I chuckled and felt the blood run through my cheeks all at once. Images of Nathans body pressed against mine in more ways than one began to flash through my mind.

"Oh, trust me. I don't think I'd be able to keep that one a secret. Especially from you," I added at the end to extinguish a bit of her curious flame. Rachel's lips lifted the slightest bit and I knew that I had sated the battle for now.

"Now that's what I like to hear!" she exclaimed before bringing her face right up next to mine, her blonde hair tickling my ear. "By the way, you look stunning. Whoever this guy is better to know how lucky he is."

Her blue eyes sparkled back at me through the mirror with truth and my heart swelled in appreciation for my best friend.

Rachel sauntered out of the bathroom and I was left to my own thoughts and the task of finishing getting ready. Nathan was going to pick me up at five. I glanced down at my phone to check the time: 4:41.

I quickly finished putting the final touches on my make up and ran out of the bathroom, stumbling into my bedroom and towards my closet. I grabbed my black and tan wedges out of the closet and hooked them around my feet, hopping on one foot to latch the last hook while heading towards my full length mirror that hung off the back of my bedroom door.

Planting my feet on the ground firmly, adjusting to the new height that the heels gave me, I breathed a content sigh as I gazed over my reflection.

My maroon colored dress clung to my chest and waist, showing off my slim figure and a hint of cleavage due to the dropped V of the neckline. Then the dress flowed out at the point of my belly button and dropped to a few inches above my knees. My hair flowed down in large curls that framed my face and gave me and elegant but incredibly sexy look if I do say so myself.

My focus was pulled from the mirror suddenly when my phone rang out through the confines of my bedroom. A shot of nerves were sent straight through my body when I saw who it was that was calling me. My body buzzed with excitement as I picked up my phone to answer.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now