Chapter 43

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I mentally and physically braced myself as Greg's eyes flooded with tears. Tears of joy. His entire middle aged, handsome face crinkled in elation as he lifted himself up off of the floor, salty tears falling over his wide, smiling cheeks.

The site made my heart cry out as the tiniest and most confusing sensation of guilt wracked my insides.

I pushed those absurd feelings to the back of my head for now, knowing I needed to put all of my focus into these next few, mortally crucial moments.

If I couldn't manage to pull this off, I was dead. The only way I was leaving this torturous house, was either by myself or not at all. A life with Greg by my side was not a life at all. That would be a fate incomparable to even death. No, if my plans of escape were thwarted, then that was it for me. I would die here, by the hands of the man I'd feared for years. And I would never get a chance to tell Nathan how sorry I was and how much I still loved him.

No pressure.

I inwardly rolled my eyes at my never ending stream of sarcasm even in the worst of situation and forced my attention back on Greg as his hands came up and grasped at the sides of my face tenderly.

"God...I love you so much, Alexandria," he whispered in a vulnerable voice.

Acting skills don't fail me now.

Against every signal from my brain, I managed a slight uplift of my lips into a smile that I prayed matched his.

"I love you too."

Greg let out almost a pleasurable sounding moan once my words hit his ears. His eyes closed as he reveled in my false confession and I took that moment to let my smile stumble, giving it the smallest but most necessary of breaks.

My act was soon swept back into play as Greg beamed up and me and fumbled with the velvet box that held the ring.

He popped the ring out of the boxes confines and held it up to me, the diamonds sparkling back at me tauntingly.

"I will make you so happy. I swear it. Not a day will go by that I won't love you or be right by your side to make you smile or laugh. I will never leave you."

Oh god...

He held the ring between his pointer finger and thumb and stuffed the small box back into his pants pocket. Greg began to walk around to the back of the chair I was handcuffed to and I knew this was my only chance.

"Uh, Greg. Do you think we could start of our relationship with me not handcuffed to a chair?" I forced a laugh, letting him know that I was in a light, playful mood and trying to convince him he had nothing to worry about.

"Plus, I want to look at you when you put the ring on," I said in what I hoped came out in an endearing tone.

I felt Greg hesitate behind me. There was complete silence encasing the room as I waited in agony, my heart pounding in my chest so hard that I was almost positive Greg could hear it.

Oh shit. Oh shit. He doesn't buy it.

I'm fucked.

I felt fingers grasp at my hand, skimming over the braces around my wrists. Every hair on my neck stood to attention when the sensation of warm breath cascaded over the back of my neck.

"I guess you're right. There will be plenty of time for these later," he said seductively in my ear as I felt the handcuffs being jiggled with and then the key turning inside of the lock until I felt a distinctive click against my wrists and the metal was lifted from my wrists.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now