Chapter 38

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Darkness surrounded me, engulfed my mind fully and I craved the numbing solitude. I basked in the unconscious; in the unknowing for as long as I could. That was until the voices going back and forth outside of my bedroom door became louder and louder, a mixture of anger and pleas stirred me from my thoughtless, dreamless slumber.

"Let me see her!"


I forced my legs to move across the soft warmth of the sheets of my bed until my feel came in contact with the familiar coarseness of my carpet.

A shot of pain struck in the center of my forehead causing me to wince and bring my hands to my head, holding it in place and putting as much pressure on it as my weak muscles could muster.

As tradition seemed to hold true, I should have anticipated the headache. I always got one after I cried for long periods of time and this headache in particular was going to be a bitch.

"You don't know us. You don't know Alex and I's relationship and you have no right to keep me from seeing her! I need to explain!"

"Explain what? How about you explain it to me first? How about you try and put into simple terms why my best friend came home a sobbing mess, crying harder than I have ever seen her cry. So hard in fact that she passed out from the volume of the panic attack and still said your goddamn name before she blacked out? Huh?"

The haze around my brain was starting to lift as I recognized Rachel's voice to as the angrier of the two.

I wobbled off of my bed and trudged over a pile of clothes as I made my way over to my door.

"She passed out?" I heard the other voice ask and my feet stilled at the sound.

He was here.

The man who I fell in love with. The man who just days ago I gave my body over to fully. The man who just hours ago had his lips interlocked with another.

I stumbled my way back over to my phone to check the time, snatching it off of my bedside table.

12:36 am.

Why was he here so late? Was Silvia not available for round two?

"Yes, she passed out because of you. I don't know what you did because when she woke up she went directly to bed but I know that it had to have been bad enough for her to never want to see you again. I know my best friend better than some guy that just swooped in a few months ago and fucked her over, thank you very much. Her professor not to mention," Rachel spat at Nathan with malice dripping from her every word.

"I didn't fuck her over, I just fucked up! Let me see her!"

"Didn't you hear me the first time? No!"

Okay, this is getting out of hand. I walked the path across my floor once more until I reached my door, my eyes adjusting to the darkness quickly.

"Rachel, please, just-"

All conversation was ceased the second they heard the creak of the door opening and I walked out into the hallway. Rachel was in front of my door, blocking the way for Nathan to get in and for that I was both grateful and equally disheartened that she even needed to block the path in the first place; that Nathan and I ever steered so far from the sickeningly happy road we were on.

"Oh, great. Now you woke her," Rachel mumbled as I approached her Pajama clad frame. Her long blonde hair was tossed up into a messy bun and her eyes were tired, her face flaming red with rage and her eyes gleaming with protection.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now