Chapter 24

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After that hot and heavy session that Nathan and I shared in his classroom, it was extremely difficult for me to focus on anything else that day so you could only imagine my relief when my final class for the day let out.

Yet, that normal relaxing feeling that usually accompanies arriving home after a long day and looking forward to the weekend wasn't exactly what I received when I stepped through the door of my apartment.

Instead I was greeted by the three worried faces of my best friends.

The first one to jump up was Rachel. "Alex!" She came bounding over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You had us so worried!" She drew back from the hug and stared at my utterly confused face. And then she reared her hand back and slapped my arm; hard.

"Ow! What the heck was that for?" I asked as I nursed my abused arm back to health, moving away from the abuser herself.

"Have you ever heard of a little thing called answering your phone?" Rachel practically yelled at me, eyes wide and furious.


I searched my pockets and all throughout my bag and came up empty handed.

Where in the world was my phone? The last place I had it was-

Oh. Light bulb.

Nathan's Classroom.

I cautiously looked back up to my best friends faces, trying to conjure up my most impressive innocent face.


They all three dead panned at me, not amused even in the slightest.

"Whoops, Alex? That's all you have to say is whoops?" Ben moved from around the counter top he was standing behind and came to stand next to Mia.

"I'm so so sorry guys!" I huffed out a breath of defeated air and moved closer to the kitchen were they all now resided. "I must have left my phone somewhere and didn't even realize it."

"Alex, you know I'm not one to normally scold others for their actions but do you know what that did to us?" Mia spoke up, her large brown eyes seeping into mine and making the guilt I already felt double.

"We were all worried that he had gotten to you and none of us were there to help you. We didn't know where you were or who you were with, and now I'm starting to sound like my mom so thank you for that," she finished with an annoyed pout on her lips.

"Guys, what can I do to make this up to you? You know I would have responded if I had my phone! I'm such an idiot for leaving it..." I trailed off, throwing my stuff and myself down onto the love seat that sat across from the kitchen, pulling my legs up onto the soft cushioning.

"Well you have to have a phone with you at all times, now more than ever. Do you know where you left it?" Rachel asked, seemingly having forgiven me just a bit as she rounded the corner of the couch and plopped herself down adjacent from me.

"Yes," I answered, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible. Keeping a secret as big as Nathan and I from my best friend was far more difficult than one would think.

Unfortunately, her interrogation didn't stop there.

"Well, where?"

My mind blanked. I scrambled to come up with a lie that would satisfy her curiosity and seem true enough for her and the others to believe. But unfortunately, I ran out of time.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now