March 26, 2014

24 0 0

(Name changed)

Did anybody ever tell you how smart you are? You treat me like I'm the smart one. You treat me like an equal. You find ways, no matter how subtle, to tell me that I'm smart. You lift me up. You leave no room for debate; you don't take enough credit. I wish I could tell you how amazing you are; I'm not superior to you at all. Actually, you are the superior one. I wish I could be as good as you.
Love is patient; love is kind.
Love is not envious; it never hates.
Love is perfect.
That's how things work. You lift me up. I try to lift you up, but you won't let me.
Jake is ignorant. If you knew, you'd either laugh or defend me.
What's with the little child side of you? I've never seen it before; it's different.
Are you positive you don't know any way to help Katie? She's whining like I used to. Our situations are completely flipped.


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