June 14, 2014

8 0 1

"But that aside, I must have done something wrong. Maybe I'm not pretty enough, smart enough, nice enough, cool enough, heck, maybe I'm not weird enough. It just plain hurts, but I can't cry. I just... Can't." -MeTheInsomniac (my Wattpad account)
My lightbulb burned out. Even with it fixed, I can't see very well because my glasses are broken. I didn't even notice Nugget until he snorted.
We went to Grandma's. (This is the living one, just to clear things up.) Normally if hate it because they just sit around playing Sheephead, and I don't want to learn Sheephead. Today, they played Hearts. I like Hearts, even though I always lose.
On the way home, we encountered cows on the loose. I couldn't help but be thankful that they weren't Lacy's  cows because she'd be really annoyed if they were.
Lacy hates John Deere, which is amusing because Andy (soon-to-be-freshman), who she likes, loves John Deere.
It's after 10 o'clock.

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