August 14, 2014 (2)

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This is my second letter, but I was thinking about some things, and I will not remember them later.
Katie says some things you do around me are not in character. I used to think she was right. Now, I'm starting to wonder.
I think you're more lighthearted and childish than you like to show. You feel obliged to act different, maybe because you don't like to let people in. Maybe you're afraid you'll fall. Maybe you think you'll be judged. I haven't figured that out yet. You maybe show it around me more because I understand. Maybe I make you feel like I don't care if you're more childish than you show because I am too. I have never had something other than a light conversation with you. I know you understand a lot of things too.
While I'm reading people, I think Katie is a lot different than she acts. That's vague, but I can't put it any other way.
I don't know if I'm right. I'll have to ask someday.


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