Chapter 3

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The dawn tiptoed across the sky, painting the world in muted hues. Stefan, fueled by determination, rose at 4:30-a silent pact with the sun. His room held the scent of possibility, and he slipped into his workout gear-a warrior preparing for battle.

Edward, already awake, greeted him with a knowing smile. Their friendship was a compass-a constant guiding them through life's labyrinth. Stefan tossed Edward a bottle of protein shake-a gesture of camaraderie. Edward caught it effortlessly, their unspoken bond echoing in the room.

As they jogged side by side, Stefan's airpods whispered secrets. Harry Styles crooned about love and longing, Shawn Mendes painted melodies of vulnerability, Camila Cabello danced with passion, and One Direction-the architects of teenage dreams-sang anthems of youth.

Edward matched Stefan's pace, their breaths in sync. The world blurred-a canvas of blurred colors and fleeting moments. The sun peeked over rooftops, casting long shadows. And in that shared silence, they found solace-a sanctuary away from life's cacophony.

And so, they jogged-a duet of footsteps, a symphony of sweat and determination. The town unfolded before them-a tapestry of lives waking up. Stefan stole glances at Edward, wondering if their paths would always intertwine.

They circled back home, Stefan's heart swelled. Edward-the brother he chose-was more than a workout partner. He was a compass, a confidant, and the keeper of their shared playlist-a soundtrack to their journey.


The morning sun painted the world in hues of possibility. Edward and I, fresh from our workout, headed back to the house. The scent of sweat clung to our skin-a testament to our determination. We freshed up.

And then, the car-the magnificent Chevrolet Corvette-beckoned. Edward stood before it, his eyes softening. "Oh, my beauty," he murmured, reaching out as if to embrace it. "I'm so sorry I left you alone."

I chuckled, leaning against the car's sleek frame. "Dude," I teased, "you're hugging it like this car is your girlfriend." Edward rolled his eyes, his affection unwavering. "Well," he confessed, "this costs more than my existence. Dad would kill me even if a small scratch appeared."

"But Eddie," I said, nudging him, "you're in desperate need of a girlfriend. So get one and propose Leah-" His hand clamped over my mouth. "You're too loud," he hissed, scanning the street for eavesdroppers. "Shut your damn mouth, idiot."

I grinned, undeterred. "Well, buddy," I continued, "you have to be quick. You're graduated now, so you can meet her."

Edward's resolve hardened. "I must have a plan," he declared. "And you're helping me, Mr. Stefan Sullivan." "It will be my pleasure, Mr. Edward Leo Harrington," I replied. "I'll come over to your house around 1 pm to plan it, alright?"

"Alright, buddy. See ya then." Edward revved the engine, the Corvette purring like a contented cat. As he drove off, I watched him disappear around the corner.

Stefan stood on Edward's doorstep, the sun casting a golden halo around him. His finger hovered over the doorbell, anticipation humming through his veins. The familiar voice from within-the one that could scold and soothe in equal measure-echoed through the wood.


And then, the door swung open, revealing Eleanor. Her cheeks bloomed with embarrassment, her eyes wide like startled deer. Stefan's heart skipped a beat. He had seen her in countless moments-sunlight filtering through her hair, laughter dancing on her lips-but this was different. This was Eleanor caught off-guard, her vulnerability laid bare.

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