Chapter 4

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Edward's POV:

Two years ago, Stefan and I had ventured into the neon-lit chaos of the club scene. The bass throbbed through the air, intoxicating and relentless. We were having a little too much fun-drowning our secrets in shots and laughter. But then, the dance floor beckoned, and that's when I saw her.

Leah Anderson stood in the corner, quiet amidst the pulsating crowd. Her eyes held galaxies, and I couldn't tear my gaze away. Stefan, ever the instigator, nudged me with a smirk. "Hey Eddie," he drawled, "you dropped something."

"What?" I checked my pockets, bemused. "You dropped your jaw." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, just go talk to her."

"I don't like her that much." My protest was feeble, and Stefan's grin widened. "Oh, you don't, do you?" He practically pushed me toward her. "Well, she looks fine to me. Let me go and buy her a drink."

Before Stefan could make his move, I stepped toward Leah. His eyes followed me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I ignored him, my focus solely on her. She didn't flinch as I approached. Instead, she met my gaze head-on.

"I thought you would just keep looking," she said, her voice a melody I hadn't expected. "I'm a fan of admiring magnificent creations of God. It's kinda fascinating to me." I replied with an innocent look, masking the turmoil beneath.

"Then why don't I buy you a drink?" Leah's smile held secrets. "Maybe someday we can have coffee or something."

"I'm Edward Harrington." I extended my hand, and she took it. "Leah Anderson." The night unfolded-a tapestry of shared stories and stolen glances. Leah was straightforward, unafraid to reveal her edges. I loved it.

Months passed-a dance of texts, accidental encounters, and stolen moments. And now, here I was, parked outside her college, waiting. The rain tapped against the windshield, a symphony of anticipation. I'd gathered all the information about her-the pieces of her puzzle. And today, I'd finally ask her out.

"Patience, Edward," I murmured to myself. "Patience and courage." Leah Anderson, the girl who'd shattered my defenses, was about to become more than a mystery.


The address led me to this nondescript house-a facade of normalcy concealing the darkness within. My smirk was a silent promise as I stepped out of the car. Rain slicked the pavement, mirroring my resolve.

I knocked on the door, impatience gnawing at my insides. A voice answered-a gruff dismissal. "Who the hell is it now? Get out, I'm busy."

"Open the damn door, you prick," I snapped, anger simmering. The lock clicked, and the door swung open. There he stood-Jacob, the man I'd hunted relentlessly. His annoyance was palpable, but I had no room for pleasantries.

"Where is Jacob?" My voice was deceptively calm. He scowled, eyes narrowing. "Standing right in front of you."

"Oh, so it's you." His recognition was swift, but before he could react, I struck. My fist connected with his nose-a brutal, calculated blow. Blood sprayed, crimson droplets staining the floor. Jacob staggered, shock etched across his features.

The room held its breath-the tension electric. Fear danced in Jacob's eyes, a predator cornered. He hadn't expected this assault, this sudden reckoning. I leaned in, my voice a blade.

And in that blood-soaked moment, vengeance tasted sweet.

"Edward Harrington," I hissed, emphasizing each syllable. "You're a drug pedlar, and you've been supplying him. But that ends now. If you want to keep breathing, stay far away from him. If he even hears a whisper about me coming to you, consider yourself dead."

Jacob's gasps were desperate, his face turning a shade of crimson to match his bleeding nose. I released my grip, allowing him to gulp in ragged breaths. But I wasn't done.

My gaze bore into his, icy and unyielding. "And Eleanor," I continued, my voice dropping even lower. "She's mine. You so much as breathe in her direction, and I'll take you to an abandoned place. Torture you until you beg for death. Rip your body apart and feed it to the dogs."

His eyes bulged, terror etched across his features. I wasn't bluffing. I'd seen enough darkness to know how to wield it. I tossed an envelope of cash onto the table. "Hospital bills," I said, almost casually. "And if you want revenge, come alone. Fight me like a man. If you wish to bring company....Tell them the name: Stefan Sullivan."

With that, I turned and walked out of the house, leaving Jacob trembling in my wake. Revenge was a dish best served cold, and I intended to savor every chilling moment of it. The car engine roared to life, drowning out any lingering protests from the man I'd just threatened.

(Meanwhile Edward)

Edward saw Leah coming outside and he walked towards her and said "Hey" "Hi fancy seeing you here Edward" she replied, he looked nervous and he said "I....."
She looked at him for a moment and then she said "Well it looks like you don't have anything to say, so I'll leave... She turned to leave but Edward caught her wrist gently and said "Will you go on a date with me? She replied "Dear God, why did-.

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