Chapter 8

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The night embraces me—a sanctuary of solitude. The weight of the day slips away, replaced by the gentle caress of silk against my skin. The night robe hangs, a sentinel of comfort, on the back of my bedroom door.

I slip into its folds, the fabric yielding like a lover’s touch. Its coolness soothes, and I am cocooned in its embrace. The bed awaits—an island of dreams, a refuge from the chaos beyond these walls.

My morning unfolded—a canvas of sleep and late hours. I rose, the weight of the previous night still clinging to my bones. Breakfast offered solace.

And then, a text—a digital whisper from Edward. The words danced on the screen, anticipation woven into each letter.

Edward: Hey, buddy. Last night was amazing, and so was Leah. It went so well. I can’t wait to tell you. Come to my house ASAP for details. >⁠.⁠<

I drove to the Harrington mansion—a familiar path, a friend’s doorstep. I pressed the doorbell, anticipation humming in my veins. Edward swung the door open, and before words could form, they hugged—a brotherly embrace, a shared joy.

“Man, I’m so happy, Stefano,” Edward said, his voice a melody of relief and excitement.

I hugged him back, the weight of their friendship grounding him. “Nice to see you happy after a long time, Eddie,”

We settled on the couch, and Edward spilled the details of his date—a dance of laughter, a promise of more. I listened, my heart swelling. But then, curiosity tugged at me.

“Where’s Eleanor?” I asked, my eyes scanning the room.

Edward’s reply was matter-of-fact. “She went grocery shopping.”

I leaned forward. "Oh," I say feigning casualness. “What’s the name of the store again?”

Edward obliged, and I filed the information away. “Okay, Ed,” I said, rising. “Thanks for telling me. As you know, Dad will come home in a few hours. I’ll go get ready to pick him up from the airport. See ya.”

“Bye,” Edward replied, and I stepped out into the day.

My footsteps carried me to the grocery store where Eleanor had been. I waited, eyes scanning the entrance. And then, there she was—Eleanor, emerging into the daylight. I waved, a grin tugging at my lips.

“What a coincidence,” I called out.

Eleanor’s retort was swift. “Too late, stalker Sullivan,” she said. “Edward already told me that you asked where I was.”

I feigned defeat. "Damn it," "I’m caught. I hope there are no consequences."

“None” Eleanor assured me. But then, mischief danced in her eyes. "Yet."

My smirk widened. “Oh, I like the sassiness,” I said. “Anyways, I have something for you.”

Curiosity etched Eleanor’s features. I handed her a bouquet of lilies, and her delight was immediate. “Oh, they’re my favorite,” she exclaimed.

I maintained my smirk. “You know,” I began, “every flower has a hidden message. Lilies have one too, but I think you’re better off without knowing it.”

Her expression turned wistful. “Aw, come on, Sullivan,” she pleaded. “Tell me. Don’t be like that.”

I relented. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll have to tell you if you make that face.”

Eleanor leaned in, anticipation in her eyes. “Well, spit it out!!!” she urged.

And then, I revealed the lilies’ secret. My voice low. “I dare you to love me.”

Her cheeks blazed crimson, and I played innocent. “That’s the message of lilies,” I added, leaving the air charged with possibility.

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