Chapter 10

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My anxiety oscillated between anticipation and dread as I awaited Edward's response. The silence was deafening, punctuated only by the ringing in my ears. I collapsed against the wall, my mind racing with the weight of mh confession. Would Edward accept me despite our vastly different backgrounds?

Edward's voice cut through the haze, a lifeline in the darkness. "I don't care about your background, Stefan. You're still my best friend, and I appreciate your trust." Relief washed over me as I pulled Edward into a tight embrace, the warmth of our friendship a comforting respite.

But Edward's expression remained pensive, his eyes darting toward the door. "I've got to meet some friends. You can stay and relax until you're ready to leave." I nodded, watching as Edward departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As I stepped outside, my pulse raced with a new intensity. I felt someone's presence, I looked at the shadow behind the curtain. I went closer and pulled the curtain to side and I was surprised to see "Eleanor?".

I pulled Eleanor into the dimly lit corridor, her eyes wide with surprise. "Eleanor?" I asked, a mix of relief and curiosity coloring my tone.

Her awkward greeting was endearing, and I couldn't help but smile. "Heyyyy," she faltered  But many questions burned within me, demanding answers. I pressed her against the wall, their height difference stark, my 6'3" frame towering over her petite 5'4".

'Forbidden thoughts' threatened to surface, but I pushed them aside. "Tell me the truth, Eleanor. Were you eavesdropping?" I demanded, my voice low and intense. Her hesitation was palpable, confusion etched on her features. "Uh... No?" she replied, her eyes darting away.

My knowing look pierced through her denial. "Okay, fine," she admitted, her voice small. "I was eavesdropping because you refuse to tell me anything." My hand rested on the wall beside her, and I leaned in, our breaths mingling. A smirk tugged at my lips. "That's not good," I murmured, lifting her chin with my other hand. "Eavesdropping on conversations? I must teach you how to behave, now, isn't that right... Princess?"


The cacophony of voices within me converges on Stefan Sullivan. His revelation, the dark undercurrents of the mafia, should propel me away. Yet, I choose to play his game, to twist the rules. "Mr. Sullivan," I declare, stepping closer. He retreats, and my smirk deepens. "I thought you wanted to keep your distance."

His eyes widen, and I push further. "You're merely testing waters, Mio Principe. I'm your forbidden fruit—observed, admired, but unattainable." The room holds its breath. Stefan Sullivan—the danger. And I, Eleanor, teeter on the precipice, daring him to cross the line.


As I stepped back, my heart raced, and I gulped. Heat surged through my veins, rendering me speechless. I leaned in, and suddenly, I was the one pinned against the wall. Her grin was both wicked and enticing. "Oh, see how the tables have turned," she teased. "Too bad I have to leave to meet a friend. But don't worry, we'll continue this dance another time."

Her words hung in the air, leaving me both frustrated and intrigued. I managed a reply, my voice strained. "Okay, so I'll just leave. See you... later?" The uncertainty in my own words surprised me. Eleanor's effect on me was undeniable. As I stepped out of the Harrington mansion, my heart still pounding, I whispered to myself, "Oh boy, this girl has made me fall even harder."

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