Chapter 9

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Eleanor's cheeks blazed with crimson, a fire ignited by my audacity. She turned, her eyes wide, and before she could retreat, I acted. My left arm encircled her waist, pulling her closer. The world narrowed to the space between us.

I leaned in, my lips brushing her ear. "This can stay between us if you'd like, princess..." My words hung in the air, a promise and a challenge. Her heartbeat echoed in my own chest, a rhythm of uncertainty and longing. Eleanor's cheeks blazed with crimson, a fire ignited by my audacity.

And then, she broke free-swift and decisive. Eleanor walked toward her car, her steps purposeful. The engine roared to life, and she drove off, leaving me standing there, victorious and intrigued.

(After reaching at the airport)

I saw dad and I smiled at him. Then we both sat in the car and I start driving. After a while Dad said "Son I have something to discuss with you about our business" and I asked "Yes dad what is it?" And he replied "I've grown old now I don't think I can handle our business, so ....." I asked knowing exactly where this conversation is going "So what dad?", he replied "So I wanted you to take over the business, now that you've graduated" "Sure dad don't worry I'll take care of the law firm" he looked at me and said "I wasn't talking about the law firm alone, I was talking about the mafia business too"

I sat in the car, my father's words echoing in my mind. The law firm was one thing, but the mafia business? That was an entirely different world-one I had hoped to avoid. Yet here it was, laid out before me like a dark path I couldn't escape.

My father's eyes held a mix of weariness and determination. "Stefan," he said, "you're the only one who can do this. Your mother and I have done our part, but it's time for you to step up."

I gripped the steering wheel, as father left, my knuckles turning white. The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders. The law firm was familiar-the suits, the courtrooms-but the mafia business? It was a shadowy realm of secrets, violence, and power.

I glanced at the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of my own reflection. Graduation had brought freedom, but now it felt like chains. I had choices to make, alliances to form, and enemies to face. The road ahead was treacherous, and I wondered if I was ready.

As I pulled up to Edward's house, memories flooded back-the late-night discussions, the whispered plans. Edward was my confidant, the one person who understood me. But even Edward couldn't shield me from the darkness that awaited.

I stepped out of the car, the air thick with uncertainty. I had a couple of hours to decide-hours that would shape my destiny. The party would celebrate my ascent, but I knew it was more than that. It was a signal to the underworld.

I squared his shoulders, determination burning in my eyes. I walked toward the Harrington mansion, leaving the car behind. The engine's hum faded, replaced by the pulse of anticipation. I pressed the doorbell.

Eleanor stood there, a vision in pink-an oversized hoodie that swallowed her delicate frame, her hair a tousled halo. The messy bun only added to her charm, and my heart did a little flip.

"Hi there, Sullivan," she said, her voice a soft melody. Eleanor had a way of making ordinary words sound like poetry. But I couldn't afford to get lost in her eyes, the warmth of her smile. Not now, not when the weight of my father's words still hung heavy.

I stepped inside, the air thick with memories. Eleanor's gaze followed me, curious and knowing. She was perceptive, always had been. I wondered if she sensed the storm brewing within me-the clash of duty and desire.

"Hey," I managed, avoiding eye contact. "Is Edward home?"

Eleanor tilted her head, studying me. "Upstairs, in his room," she replied. Her eyes held secrets, too. Maybe she understood more than I gave her credit for. Maybe she knew about the other side of my life-the one hidden behind closed doors, coded conversations, and blood ties.

"Thanks," I murmured, my footsteps echoing on the staircase. Each step took me closer to Edward, closer to the decision I had to make. The mafia business loomed like a shadow, threatening to consume everything I held dear.


My heart raced, a wild gallop that echoed the chaos within. Stefan's words hung in the air, a delicate thread threatening to unravel me carefully constructed world. I had always been adept at keeping emotions at bay, but this? This was different.

I slipped into my car, fingers trembling on the steering wheel. "What the hell is wrong with me?". The truth was, I hadn't answered him. Not really. Instead, I had fled, leaving Stefan standing there, probably amused by my flustered state. Cherry on top for him, undoubtedly.

Home offered solace-or so I hoped. I changed into my favorite hoodie, its soft fabric a shield against the storm brewing outside. But then came the knock on the door, and my pulse spiked anew. I opened it, and there he was-Stefan, sweat-slicked skin and eyes that held too many secrets.

"Hi there, Sullivan," I said, my voice steady despite the whirlwind within. He stepped in, avoiding my gaze. "Hey, is Edward home?" he asked, the words rushed. My heart skipped a beat. Stefan, who usually lingered, talked, teased-now reduced to clipped sentences and sidelong glances.

"He's upstairs in his room," I replied, watching him closely. What was wrong with him? The boldness had vanished, replaced by something else-hesitation, maybe even fear. Stefan was no stranger to danger, but this was different.

"Thanks," he mumbled, hurrying upstairs. I leaned against the doorframe, my mind racing. Stefan was a puzzle-a complex blend of duty and vulnerability. My brain told me he was playing with my feelings, but my heart whispered otherwise. I learned one more thing that I've fallen for Stefan Sullivan.


I stepped into Edward's room, my heart pounding like a snare drum. His eyes flickered from his phone to me, and he greeted me with a casual "Hi Stef, what's up?" But this wasn't a casual conversation. It was a confession-a secret I'd been carrying like a lead weight.

"Edward," I began, my voice trembling, "I need to tell you something. Promise me you won't breathe a word of it to anyone. And after you hear it, you can decide if you still want me as your friend."

His concern deepened. "What's wrong, Stefan?"

I hesitated, searching for the right words. "It's... complicated."

"You don't seem okay," Edward said, gripping my shoulders. "Tell me. You know I'm your best friend, right?"

His urgency pushed me to the edge. "Okay, stop!" I gasped, pulling away. "I belong to a mafia family. And in a few hours, I'm taking over the business."

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