Chapter 5

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Edward’s fingers tightened around her wrist. His eyes bore into hers, and the air crackled with tension. The question hung in the air like a delicate thread, waiting to be pulled taut.

“Will you go on a date with me?” Edward’s voice was low, almost hesitant. But Leah wasn’t about to let him off the hook that easily.

“Dear God,” she exclaimed, her frustration bubbling over. “Why did it take you two damn years to say that, huh?!

Edward blinked, clearly caught off guard. “Well,” he stammered, “technically it was twenty-two months, but who’s counting?”

Leah’s eyes narrowed. “Twenty-two months, two years—whatever! 

Edward’s face broke into a relieved smile. She retorted. “Of course it’s a Yes, a hundred times yes! And clear your schedule from 9 to 11 pm this Friday, Harrington.”

His excitement was palpable. “Sure,” he said, his voice eager. “May I drop you off at your house?”

Leah grinned. “You may.” And so they embarked on their journey, talking and laughing as the world blurred past. But before they parted ways, Leah leaned in, her eyes flashing with mischief.

“I don’t like being late,” she warned, “and neither do I like people who are late. So, Harrington, if you’re late, you’re dead.” Edward’s smirk was equal parts charm and challenge. “Noted,” he replied

Edward’s excitement bubbled over as he dialed Stefan’s number. “Hello? Eddie, are you alright, or do I need to bring tissues and booze?” Stefan’s voice crackled through the phone.

“No, it’s good news, Stef!” Edward practically shouted. “She said yes, she said yes, she said yes!” His heart raced, and he couldn’t contain his joy. The words spilled out like a waterfall, carrying all the hope and anticipation

Stefan chuckled on the other end. “Well, well! Looks like our Eddie is on cloud nine. Congratulations, my friend. Now, go plan that perfect date!”

“Everything will go according to plan, don’t worry, and don’t be late. It’s very unattractive—it’s not a damn movie,” Stefan said with a warning voice. Edward replied, “Yes, sir, got it. And by the way, Eleanor needed some help with her assignment on Friday. Can you go? As you know, I have a date, and I’m busy. Besides, weren’t you like the A-grade student in college?” Edward asked. “Yeah, sure. I will help her with the assignment,” Edward replied. “Thanks, buddy,” and hangs up.

(Later that night)
I sent a message to Eleanor, informing her that Edward would be busy, and I’d be helping her.

Stefan: Hey princess, Ed will be busy on Friday, so he asked me to assist you with the assignment. Are you okay with that?

Eleanor: Sure, that works for me. Come over to my house then..

Stefan: Yes, sure. Your house works. Could you tell me which subject it’s for?

Eleanor: English

Stefan: Oh, that seems fun! And by the way, I took care of that Jacob guy. He won’t bother you now.

Eleanor: Oh, is it? Thanks for that! 😊 Anyway, goodnight, Sullivan

Stefan: Yeah, goodnight, princess

Despite her thoughts about Friday keeping her awake, Eleanor eventually drifted off to sleep. 

(7 years ago).....

Stefan’s heart danced to a secret rhythm, a melody only he could hear. Eleanor, with her baby blue eyes and the same sunshine glow, had etched herself into his soul. The Harrington mansion held memories of innocence and youth, and innocence seemed to be woven into the very fabric of the Harrington lineage.

The years had passed, and Stefan had weathered storms. A painful breakup with Charlotte had left scars, but time had turned those wounds into armor. Edward’s revelation that Eleanor had been sent abroad for further studies piqued his curiosity. But fate had other plans. Now, at the age of 19, he stood at the threshold of the Harrington home once more, summoned by Edward.

And there she was— Eleanor. The books slipped from her grasp, and Stefan knelt to retrieve them. Their fingers brushed, and in that fleeting touch, he felt a connection that defied explanation. Buried emotions resurfaced, awakening a longing he thought he’d buried forever. The Harrington mansion, once a mere backdrop, now pulsed with possibility. It was as if fate had conspired to reunite them.

“Thank you,” Eleanor’s voice was a soft breeze, and Stefan’s heart fluttered. “It’s fine,” he replied, his voice steady despite the chaos within. “Be careful next time, Eleanor.”

Her curious gaze met his. “You still remember me?”

Stefan chuckled, unable to hide the truth. “How can I not?”

From that day on, Stefan’s world shifted. Eleanor became the sun around which his days revolved. Her laughter echoed through the halls, and her presence was a balm for his wounded heart. Unusual familiarity danced between them, and Stefan wondered if destiny had scripted their reunion long ago.

And so it began—a silent symphony of stolen glances, fleeting touches, and conversations that lingered like the fragrance of blooming flowers. Eleanor, the sunbeam that thawed the frost around his heart, became an indelible part of his existence. No matter how hard he tried, Stefan couldn’t quell the rising tide of feelings. Each heartbeat echoed her name, and every word exchanged felt an unusual familiarity that defied logic and reason.

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