Chapter 12

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I woke up early next morning and greeted Dad "Morning dad" and he replied "Good morning son". After having breakfast I asked "Dad do you mind if I start working from today and you take some rest" Dad smiled at me and said "Sure son, I'm proud of you that you're slowly understanding your responsibilities", I gave him a sad smile.

I wore a Black shirt, sleeves rolled up, Two buttons undone. And then there was the scent-the premium cologne clinging to me, a signature of command.

I drove there and made it right on time. I saw a familiar face, It was my dad's assistant Ethan Lockwood, he was wearing a neat white shirt and blue trousers with his classic glasses.

The mere sight of those glasses triggered memories-of late nights, whispered conversations, and stolen glances. Eleanor, with her laughter and magical baby blue eyes, was forever linked to those frames.

Ethan greeted me "Good morning sir, how can I be of help?" I replied as I was pulled out from the thoughts. I replied "Yes, Ethan I want Harrington's profit-loss statements and our company's too", Ethan replied with a smile "Right away sir".

(Meanwhile Edward)

Edward's heart weighed heavy, burdened by unspoken words and the fragile threads of a friendship hanging in the balance. The knock on his door was unexpected, yet there stood Leah-her presence both comforting and unsettling.

"Leah?" he uttered, surprised. She smiled, her eyes searching his face. "Yeah... you don't look happy seeing me. I can leave if you'd like."

"No, no," Edward stammered. "Uh... come in." Leah stepped inside, her gaze sweeping the room. Concern etched her features as she took in the dark circles under his eyes, the pallor of his skin.

"Edward, what's wrong? You neither answer my texts nor my calls."

He managed a sad smile. "I was just busy with business."

Leah's intuition told her otherwise. "Hey," she said softly, "You can tell me anything".

His hand trembled as he reached for hers. "I will someday," Edward whispered. "Now, I'm not ready... but I'd like to apologize for making you worry."

Leah's grin was both playful and earnest. "Words don't work for me," she replied. "Actions speak louder than words."

Edward leaned closer, their breaths mingling. "Well then, actions it is."

His eyes never left her lips as he gently pressed them against hers. Leah responded to the kiss.

Their lips met in a dance of longing and uncertainty. Leah's breath hitched, her fingers tangling in Edward's hair. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their connection.

Edward deepened the kiss, pouring all his unspoken emotions into it. His heart raced, a symphony of hope and fear. Leah responded with equal fervor, her lips molding against his.

His tongue slides into her mouth, she responds to it, Their lips collided in a fervent tango, a symphony of desire and vulnerability. Leah's hands found their way to Edward's neck, pulling him closer. The world outside ceased to exist; there was only the taste of each other, the rhythm of their breaths.

Five minutes-an eternity and a fleeting second-passed in that kiss. When they finally broke apart, their chests heaved, and Edward's laughter filled the room. "That was something," he managed, his eyes still locked on Leah's.

"Yeah," Leah replied, her cheeks flushed. "I mean, it was okay for our first kiss."

Edward's gaze intensified. "Leah" he murmured, "there are many things you have yet to see." His lips claimed hers once more, and they rose from the couch, still entangled in their shared hunger.

As they ascended the stairs, lost in the intoxicating dance of passion, the door swung open. Their eyes snapped toward the intruder, and there stood Eleanor- "JESUS CHRIST!" Eleanor exclaimed, her voice echoing through the hallway. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE?!?!" "GOD, WHY AREN'T I BLIND?"

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