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୨⎯ Chapter 16⎯୧
"Uruk Charge"

୨⎯ Chapter 16⎯୧"Uruk Charge"

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AS THE FINAL preparations unfolded, I found myself soaring through the skies alongside Aine and my brother, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The rush of wind against my wings fueled my senses, keeping me alert to every movement below.

Suddenly, a familiar whistle caught my attention, and I glanced down to see Legolas beckoning me. Descending gracefully, I landed beside him, my wings vanishing into my back as if they were never there.

"Your wings... they're beautiful, just like you," he remarked, his words sending a warmth through me.

Returning his smile, I took his hands in mine, feeling the need to express my thoughts before the impending battle consumed us.

"Legolas, if something should happen..." I began, but he interrupted, refusing to entertain the notion of failure.

"No, don't speak like that. We will prevail. I promised to protect you, and I intend to keep that promise," he declared firmly, his gaze unwavering.

Gathering my resolve, I continued, pressing upon him the importance of safeguarding Aine in case of the worst.

"Please Legolas, just let me speak," I pleaded. He nodded his head to let me continue.

"If I don't make it, you must take care of Aine, take her away from Caralis, to Mirkwood or Rivendell. I do not trust leaving her in the hands of my mother. Thought she is noble, she has never liked her, and I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her. So, no matter what, you must take her as far away as possible," I pleaded, sincerity in my eyes.

He looked surprised at my request, but nodded regardless. "Of course, she will be placed under my protection."

"But there's something else," I added, my heart pounding with the weight of my next words. "Despite the circumstances that brought us together, I've realized that I care deeply for you. If we both survive, I want us to make it official. I want to marry you, Legolas, and proudly bear your name as princess of Mirkwood."

His eyes widened in surprise, but a smile spread across his face as he pulled me into a tight embrace, accepting my proposal with joy.

"Nothing would make me happier, Liairse. You will be my wife, and I will cherish you for eternity," he declared, his voice filled with love and determination.

His piercing gaze locked with mine, and I felt my heart race with anticipation. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he reached out, his hand gently cupping my cheek. His touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me.

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