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୨⎯ Chapter 17⎯୧
"One Final Try"

୨⎯ Chapter 17⎯୧"One Final Try"

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I SPOTTED MY next victim as it charged towards me. The orc had grotesque features twisted in rage, brandished its weapon—a crude, jagged sword—as it closed in on me. I prepared to meet its charge, my heart pounding with anticipation.

With a swift motion of my hand, vines erupted from the earth, entangling the orc's legs and rooting it in place. It struggled against its leafy bindings, snarling in frustration as it attempted to break free.

Seizing the opportunity, I summoned a gust of wind to buffet the orc, knocking it off balance and leaving it vulnerable to my next move. With a whispered incantation, I called forth a barrage of sharp, thorned branches, launching them toward the orc with deadly accuracy.

The orc attempted to shield itself from the onslaught, but the branches pierced through its makeshift defense, leaving it battered and bleeding. Yet still, it refused to yield, its primal instincts driving it to press the attack.

Undeterred, I called upon the elements once more, channeling the power of the earth to create a fissure beneath the orc's feet. With a rumble of stone and soil, the ground gave way, swallowing the orc whole and sending it plummeting into the depths below.

Then, dread gripped me as I witnessed the breach in the wall, the Uruk-Hai methodically planting bombs with chilling efficiency.

Panic surged within me as I watched it unfold, seemingly forgetting about the fight around me.

"The bombs!" Aragorn's cry pierced the chaos, but it was too late. The explosion ripped through the wall, engulfing us in a maelstrom of destruction.

As I was thrown backward amidst the debris and smoke, Theoden's shocked expression mirrored my own horror at the devastating breach.

As the plume of fire and smoke rose, casting a shadow over the battlefield, I slowly stood, my side hurting now more than ever, and surveyed the chaos unfolding before me.

Stones from the crumbling wall rained down upon Saruman's vile army, striking down several of his monstrous minions. My heart clenched with worry as I saw Aragorn laying unconscious on the ground, while Gimli, nearby, lay winded but awake on a piece of the shattered wall.

I raced towards Aragorns unconscious figure. Shaking him in hopes of him waking quickly, "come on you sack of potatoes we need you!" I pleaded.

At the wall, the Uruks began streaming through the opening, threatening to overwhelm Aragorn and the line of elves. "Aragorn!" My voice yelled out, filled with concern and determination.

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