chapter one

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Maxien's POV
I kicked off my covers and searched blindly for my glasses that I placed on my nightstand the night before, upon finding them I shut off my alarm clock and stretched. I smiled to myself and got out of my bed slipping on my yellow bunny slippers, I started to make my bed and fix up my room a bit. It was about 5:30 in the morning so I picked up my phone and went downstairs to the kitchen. Starting up the coffee maker and pulled out my French vanilla coffee creamer, while that was brewing I made myself some toast and checked my Instagram.
Scrolling and liking picture for about 10 minutes I went back upstairs and went to my bathroom and turned on my shower pulling up my hair and went to my sink to brush my teeth with my blue and pink toothbrush and my mint colgate toothpaste. After doing that I washed my face with a special face cleanser that I took with me from England. Once I was done I stripped out my pj's and got in the shower washing up with my favorite body wash Winter Breeze. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out, I went into my room and took out my clothes for school. I curled my hair and smiled adding a little bit of pink lipstick.

Grabbing my phone and keys I went downstairs and made my coffee before walking out of my house to my black Volvo sedan. It was 7 o'clock and school starts at 8 am. I started the engine and pulled off onto the street smiling listening to my favorite song she's a freak. I pulled up to the school and cut off my car. Everyone looked at me weird and some pale people just stared at me confused except for the pixie looking girl she grinned and the brunette she glared at me. Well okay then. I got out my car and smiled at them waving they hesitantly waved back. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the school looking for the office.

Once i find it they gave me a time-table and sent me on my way. My first class was History 101 with Mr.Markson in building B, that's easy enough I thought. smiling I made my way to the class and walked in. Everyone stared at me making my cheeks heat up the teacher made me introduce myself to the class.
"Hi i'm Maxine im from New Jersey nice to meet you all."
"You can sit next to Jacie Daniels."
The guy raised his hand and I went and sat next to him smiling.
"Hey What's happening?" He greeted me grinning
"Nothing, and yourself?" I laughed
"Same, same but uh you're my new best friend so you should get used to me now, what classes do you have?"

I gave him my schedule and laughed at his antics we are definitely new friends.
"We have most of our classes together, hey um I see you have a purple dot on your bag, are you a little?" He whispered the last part so low I almost didn't hear it.
I nodded a little surprised that someone else knew about littles in this small town, and wondering how I could forget that i had the dot on my bag. How silly of me.
"Well i'm a little as well and I know for sure that we will definitely be best friends." I grinned and fist bumped him before listening to the teacher. When class ended we grabbed our stuff and started for the next lesson.

Edward's POV

The bell ending second period had just rung me and my siblings met up in the hallway to walk to lunch together as we do every day. Something about today was off but I couldn't put my finger on it Alice, had a vision but she kept her mind on other things so I couldn't read it. She's way too happy today and I know something's going to happen, lately Bella has been getting on my nerves, I have no idea why I feel this way I just do and its infuriating me to no end. All she does is complain and whine. I can tell my family is somewhat getting fed up with her especially Rosalie even though she never liked her.
"So what do you guys want to do this weekend since it's gonna be sunny and we can't come to school?" Alice asked making a thinking face
"We can always go hunting or stay home it's the same thing every century." laughed Emmett
We laughed along with him and just continued to banter. He could always had something sarcastic to say never the insightful one in the family.
A few minutes go by and I smelled it, a sweet smell coming from the center of the cafeteria like it was it nothing and I looked over to see a beautiful short mocha skinned woman she was like a goddess among poor peasants. She was sitting with a pale boy that I recognized as Jacie. He was a nice boy rarely got in trouble and very unnoticeable if you aren't looking for him. She was asking him who we were and where we came from when he was giving her information about us that he heard from other people, Jacie isn't very popular so I'm assuming this is a new friend of his. I started to read his mind about what he thought of her and to find out what her name was, it seemed like they were only friends and had just met today and she was in fact the new girl Maxine. That's such a fitting name for her.

Maxine's POV

" Wow that's crazy, since all this Cullen talk is done why don't you come to my house for a playdate and you can even sleepover I live alone so it's ok."

He nodded  and we finished eating laughing occasionally at jokes that probably wasn't even funny or school appropriate. When lunch ended we got up and went to our last class of the day which was math with Mrs.Jackson in building D, we were listing off things to do during the sleepover which involve movies, candy, coloring books and our favorite pajamas. Jessy was fun to talk to you and I'm glad I had a new friend the Cullen's seemed okay from what I was told about them but we will have to see, maybe I can make friends with them and Jacie can be friends with them too this new life is working out perfectly.

_End of the day_
Jacie caught a ride with me back to my house after we picked up his stuff, currently we are sitting in my living room setting up a blanket fort and putting in Disney movies, I had my pink pacifier and blue stuffie and I was wearing my green and red cars onesie. Jacie had on a pink onesie with a black pacifier and a purple teddy bear complete with a flower crown. Turns out Jacie is bisexual and is a fem boy which I'm totally okay with, it's super cute and I'm so happy to have another little here with me to understand what I go through and to help me regress more.

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