Chapter 5

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Maxine pov
I woke up my face hurting from last night. Slowly I got up and pulled the covers back stretching. I groaned softly feeling the bruise on my back stretch and sting, you're probably wondering how I got it? Well when Bella hit me I fell hard to the ground and bruised my shoulder and upper back along with my cheek which went from my right cheek to my right eye. Hurt like a bitch I swear. I skipped breakfast and went to take a shower and picked out my clothes for school. Throwing them on I looked at my face in the mirror and bit my lip wondering,how I could cover it up.

Looking at the clock on the wall I realized I had only a few minutes til I had to leave. I mad a last minute critical decision slapped on some badly done cover up and picked up my phone ,keys,and backpack and walked out the door, jessy was already in the car waiting for me since he was the first one up. Getting into my car I started it and drove off to forks high, I couldn't stop thinking what would happen if I saw them? How did she get such strength? What are they? Are the human or other?.
My mind raced as I pulled into my spot I used my hair to cover the bruise a little better jacie held my hand as we walked into school. The Cullen's started at us and we glanced at them. I stopped and looked at Jasper he was the only one besides Edward I truly trusted and that scared me but I won't give in. I went past him and the others I could feel the parking lot starting at me. I didn't see Isabella which was weird. I turned around making my way into the school i could feel the intense gaze of them on my back. I had them in all my classes and each time they tried talking to me. my english it still bad but im getting there.
*at lunch*
Edward's pov
They won't look at us or speak to us its hurting me so much. Alice groaned and got up going over to them and dragged them to us sitting them both in a chair.
"We don't wanna talk to you now let us go or we won't come over anymore!" she yelled
"You both will stop and sit we didn't do anything it was all Isabella we love you now talk to us and be our friends again."
"Fine."she huffed and crossed her arms. Jacie nodded smiling
"hey Maxxy How are you?" Jasper smiling softly touching her arm
"hi jazzy i'm fine just tired and sad."she mumbled leaning onto his am.
It was amazing how close she could become to him in such quick time I know this morning it pained her to walk away from him, we could all see how she tried to hide the marks which made us sad. After a few minutes she was smiling and being friendly again which was amazing. Though deep in her eyes I knew she wanted answers.

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