Chapter 3

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-at lunch-
Me and Jacie sat at a table together and enjoyed our nuggets and fries giggling with each other and talking about the movie we were going to watch tonight.
" Dis you ask her?" he mumbled
I shook my head and pouted." I never got the chance to do it....when should i?"
" Mmm, maybe if you go ask now she might say yes." He suggested
I nodded and got up going to their table prepared to make friends with them all.
" Hi im Maxine would you like to see the care bear movie in Seattle with me and my friend?" I questioned playing with my fingers the girl smiled big and nodded.
" Sure, im Alice by the way and this is Edward, Rose,Emmett,Jasper and Bella." she introduced them
I grinned and waved saying hello, I glanced back over at Jacie who was coloring in his coloring book his mom packed for him. Bless her heart she is such a sweet woman that cares about her son.
" Actually I think we have the new movie at our house, our father knows some of the directors and gets us the movies before they hit theaters." Edward told me grinning with a sparkle in his golden honey eyes.
" Oh my gosh really can we watch it at your house?" I asked jumping up and down he smiled and nodded telling me to make sure I bring Jacie with me tonight.
I nodded promising to do it, this would be so much fun and im so excited to go to their house to watch movies. I ran back to Jacie to tell him the news and coordinate outfits for tonight.
-Jasper pov-
I felt strangely protective of this girl and Jacie they are very small and innocent it's very pure and unexpected. I'm excited to have them over to watch movies and im positive Esme will make more food then we need. Maxine was just talking about nonsense to anyone that would listen which was the whole table except for Bella. I rolled my eyes and continued to listen to Maxine. She came back over after telling Jacie the news and conversing for a few minutes with him.

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