Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

Everything could have been great. We all could have lived happily ever after but I guess that's not going to happen, I cant believe Edward left mefor another human. How could she! And how could they allow it. What does she have that I dont... I will get my family and Edward back.
At the cullens house 3rd person.

*few days later*
Everyone was enjoying a quiet day at home. Rosa and Alice were online shopping for everyone. Esme was baking treats. Carlisle was in his study relaxing, Jasper was entertaining maxxy and edward watched. Emmett was playing was his video games.
"Watch this." Jasper mumbled to maxxy
He pulled up a blank piece of paper and started folding it til it was a hat. Maxxy was so entranced taking it and putting it on her head.
"Thank you its so nice jazzy!"
He beamed proud of himself that he made her happy. Edward grinned watching his little mate talk a mile a minute to jaz about anything and everything. No one minded they enjoyed when she talked it was a soft jersey accent and she even miss pronounced words in the cutest way.
"All im saying is if people want to see the world they should go espacally(especially) the part of Jersey I'm from most beautifulest place" then she'd start a rant on why and they would laugh and conversate back with her. Edwards little mate was the apple of his eye and everyone elses she had them wrapped around her little finger. After the accident she was more child like and no one minded she was still everyone's little princess.

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