5 | What Can YOU Do?

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Hi friends,

As the war in Congo is occurring on such a massive scale, it is easy to feel as if this is something which is beyond our scope of control, but our hands are not tied. Everyone has a part to play always, and there are no useless efforts or actions too small. As of right now, the most impactful thing you can do for the DRC and the Congolese people is to talk about them. Spread awareness by sharing information on your personal social media pages, talk with your friends and family, amplify Congolese voices and simply be aware and be conscious.

Additionally, while there is no real ethical consumption under capitalism, there are still plenty of ways you can be consumer-conscious when it comes to being a player in the game. Here are a few below.

Refrain from engaging in over-consumption of electronics

DO NOT purchase the newest smartphone every year. The same goes for the newest laptop, or tablet, or other brand-new device introduced by the Big Tech companies (Apple, Google, Samsung, HP) if your devices still work just fine.

DO try to opt for restored or refurbished devices if you are in need of a replacement, but the best thing you can do is try to take care of the devices you have now by handling them with care and taking measures to extend battery-life as long as possible.

DO turn off your devices when you're not using them (i.e don't let your computer run for days, especially with video-games or other programs running in the background) try to avoid letting your devices' batteries completely lose their charge, especially not for extended amounts of time, or on a daily basis. Keep the areas around your computer-space free from clutter or other items which can block the vents and lead to overheating.

Stop Vaping

Y'all DO NOT need to be huffing on that candy-bubblegum flavored nicotine smoke anyways 'cause not only is it killing kids in the DRC it's killing YOU! Put them puff-sticks down before it puts you down because I know y'all lungs be hurting, and if not now— they WILL be. Put it down! 😡

But in all seriousness, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances out there and like any addiction, I know that quitting is a lot easier said than done. But it's possible, and it's important to remember that you are bigger than any habit.

Here's some tips to get started on kicking the craving.

1. Reduce your intake by gradually weaning off. Don't take the vape with you everywhere you go— leave it in another room, lock it in your car, don't carry it in your pockets or purse.

2. Hold something else instead. Try to find something similar to the shape of it such as a pen or pencil. Fidget toys, stressballs, and squish packets are also great options (and helpful for those with ADHD as well!)

3. Set quit dates and goals. You'll feel more in control and accomplished if you can set and meet your own goals. Set a date for when you plan to cut off completely.

4. Stay busy. Doing activities like cleaning, exercising, arts and crafts, reading, writing and more can help you to stay distracted from the urge to vape. This could be a great time to pick up a new hobby, or start on a book you've been meaning to read. Also, chewing sugar-free gum in flavors you used to vape can serve to ease the urge as well.

5. Celebrate your accomplishments and don't punish yourself for relapses. Many people turn to vaping when they're stressed out, but research has shown that nicotine can increase anxiety symptoms and stress levels, which leads to the vicious cycle of withdrawals and cravings. Remember, nicotine causes a chemical addiction and it is hard to beat. Reward yourself when you meet your goals— from the first few hours, to days, and eventually weeks. Using a phone-app such as I Am Sober or Sober Time can help you to stay motivated and connect you with others on a quitting journey. Remember, you are in control!

Amplify and support Congolese voices

Amplify and support Congolese voices by sharing and following Congolese persons and organizations on social media. Friends of the Congo (FOTC) is a Pan African solidarity organization aimed toward raising global consciousness about the challenges and potential of the Congo. They also host marches, protests and fundraisers which you can get involved with via their website, linked in the comments of this paragraph. The website features a variety of resources to get connected, educational materials, and upcoming events to support the Congo. It's never too late to get involved.

Remember, none of us are free until we are all free.

all love,
Astoria <3



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