Is he really into me?

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I was in a trance not knowing were I was, or if any of this was even real. I was walking to school when I slipped on some ice and fell but didn't hit hard, actually I didn't feel anything, I didn't fall at all, but I noticed some one was behind me and caught me before I fell, it was a boy I know by the way he spoke as he asked me if I was alright. His hand was on my waist I felt a warm tingling feeling it wasn't a bad feeling it was actually nice I kinda liked the feeling, as he released me I turned around to see who it was but as I did we bolth locked stairs I fell into another trance one that I fought so hard to block out of it, he had the most beautiful green eyes that glowed brighter the more I looked at him, he wore blue flannel jeans that perfectly brought out his gray sleeveless shirt that showed his bulky, yet soft looking muscles, and to complement his eyes he had wonderful dark brown hair that perfectly croped his face, he looked about the same age as me, 16. He broke the trance by asking me what my name was slowly breaking out of the trance, I squeezed my name out " my names Eve" I said struggling to find my words. I asked him his name, but I herd some one call my name, " Eve, Eve! " than my eyes shot open.

I awoke in my bed totally groggy and not knowing what just happened, I knew it was a dream because it was the same thing that happened every day, I go to bed, walk, slip, he would catch me, I turn around in a trance, tell him my name, ask him his than, than I'd wake up. I didn't know who the boy was but I knew I had to meet him, I had to. My mom was standing by my bedroom door telling me to get up or I was going to be late, I quickly shot a glance at the time and relized that it was 7'o'clock I was 20 min late for school, it didn't bother me that much I didn't like first peiriod any ways, I put on a gray denim skirt and a pink blouse, combed my wavey dirty blond hair, and put in my contacts over my baby blue eyes, and head out the door.

I was just out side the school I didn't want to go in until first period was over, I know what your thinking but I do have a reason I am not the friendly type I don't get along with people that well and well nobody seems to notice me anyways, so what would it matter if I didn't go, they weren't going to notice anyways. after first period was over I went to Geography, I walked in and took my seat in the back of the class were hopefully I wouldn't be noticed. I was still tiered so I layed my head down on the desk until Mr. Krayler gave directions. Mr. Krayler walked in the room and every one stopped talking, and I lifted my head up to listen. Class I am glad to tell you we have a new student he's from Canada, he moshioned to the door and a tall very attractive boy came through the door, he had his head down, all I could see was his hair and the outline of his face something about him seemed familiar but I didn't know what it was. He slowly took off his hood and lifted his head, and looked up and met my stare, he cringed a tiny smile my way, I gaped in disbelief as I noticed who it was, it was the boy from my dreams I couldn't believe it......... I found him. Class this is Max.

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