why is it so hard

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My mind raced, question after question but my mouth wouldn't let me say anything I had mixed emotions, I felt mad, sad, and happy all at the same time why is this happening now, I didn't know what to say, I had nothing to say, he made my life a living hell finally I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore I had to spill.

" I HATE YOU!!!!" I said letting my anger take over " HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, HOW COULD YOU JUST UP AND LEAVE ME I WAS JUST A LITTLE GIRL, YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL!!" some of the stuff I didn't realize I said until it left my mouth, my emotions were leaking out of me and I couldn't control it, I looked at my dad strait in the eye as I waited for an answer, I felt Max's warm hand on my back trying to calm me down I wasn't mad at him, but like I said my emotions got the best of me, I quickly shook his hand off of me as if he was the devil or something, I felt bad that I took it out on him but he didn't seem to sad he knew I was very confused and mad and that my emotions were pretty much everywhere right now, so he carefully placed his hand on my leg, and I let him for I realized that it wasn't him I was mad at.

I waited for my dad to answer me than he finally said " I'm sorry Eve, but you just don't understand I tried to find you for years but....... but" " but what!" I said starting to lose patients. " but she wouldn't let me!" he said looking at the ground avoiding eye contact " who wouldn't?" I said questioning " your mom she, keeped from you because before I left we had an agreement that she was yours and I wasn't aloud to come see you, and of course that meant excluding me from your life" I was dumbfounded, my breath was sucked away I didn't know what to say " wait so let me get this straight your claiming that my mom is to blame for my life being a living hell?" I said "yes your mom keeped me from you for years" he said looking at me, I though for a minute than replyed " no! no! your wrong my mom wouldn't do that to me, you would do anything to lie, you lied to me my whole life!!!!!!!!" I said getting angry again Max didn't even try to calm me down he knew I needed to talk to my dad and get things sorted.

" I have never lied to you Eve, I would never do that!" " than why are you in jail!!!?" I said questionaly he looked around nervously and than replyed " look we've had enough time I'm going to go now" " fine!!" I said now yelling " leave that's what your good at, that's what you always do so go, oh and don't ever speak to me again I don't want to see your face!!!!!!" I than was walking out of the well lit room and Max right beside me holding my hand.

When we got outside I couldn't help but break down crying, my dad hert me so much over the years that it's going to take more a sorry to fix my love for him, I love him but I don't know him. Obviously Max was waiting until he really new I was hurting because as soon as he saw me drop to my knees and start crying, he walked over to me, pulled me to my feet and pulling me close he gave me a kiss on my forehead, and gave me a huge pulling me close to him, he than whispered in my ear " your dad means well,you can't stop seeing him he can help" " no he can't, all he does is lie, he even avoided the question I asked him about being in prison, why won't he tell me!!" I was now crying into his shoulder,but he didn't care he was focused on calming me down, we than got in the car and drove to his house in complete silence.

I must have fallen asleep because Max was shaking me awake " Eve, Eve you awake?" he said giving me a smile " I am now I said struggling to get out of the car, he helped me by opening my door for me. We walked in the house the only thing on my mind was the things my dad said to me, yet all I wanted to do is go to sleep and snuggle with Max he always makes me feel better.

When we walked inside I told Max that I was going to bed and that I just needed to rest, and to think, " its only 8:00 are sure?" he said hugging me I nodded and made my way upstairs,I hated leaving Max but I needed to think.

I walked into Max's room and crawled into his bed not even bothering to change into my Pajamas, I lay there on the soft bed with so many questions surfacing in my mind. Why was my dad lying to me? why did he not answer my question? why is my mom missing? why wasn't my dad worried about her? and why did he only mention their incident with me before he left and not her disappearance? my questions were giving me a head ache for the fact nobody would answer them, it was frustrating not knowing what is going on.

lost in my thoughts and emotions I didn't even notice,or hear Max come in until I felt him crawl into the bed next to me, I was glade he came in because if he didn't I would probably end up crying, and I couldn't cry anymore not over my dad, no matter what I was feeling, I felt Max's hand wrap around me and pull me to him, I turned around so that I was facing him, we just looked at each other, he gave me a smile and pulled back my hair and gave me a kiss his lips like the inside of a rose peddle,soft, smooth and comforting and I felt very happy that I was not alone by myself,confused. Our lips departed in a slow, relaxing way, we gave each other a slight smile, I than asked him a question that was very serious, " Max why can't I be happy one time in my life?" he looked at me and smiled, a smile I will never forget and an answer I will never forget " Eve you don't need something good to happen to you, for you to be happy, all you need is that beautiful smile that give me every time I see you" he gave me a smile and kissed me, I smiled back and layed my head on his chest, feeling his muscles flex and his hand on my waist, he was the one I wanted to be with today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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