who dosnt know

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Max's POV:

I woke up to find Eve asleep next to me, yesterday was the best night of my life, I've never loved someone so much I would have sex with her. But we did and I didn't regret a thing, I watched her sleep next to me gracefully snuggled up to me, I stroked her hair that was in her face, she figited a little but continued sleeping. I remember her telling me that she loved me, and me telling her I loved her back and I meant every single word I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it, as i sat there I realized that when she woke up she was going to be hungry, I carefully climbed out of my bed being careful not to wake, or disturb Eve, before I walked out the door I took one more glance at her asleep, gave a smile and headed down stairs.

Eve 's POV:

I awoke in Max's bed but the only problem was that Max wasn't in it, realizing it I looked up surprised and started to look around, when I found a note lying on the pillow next to me, I picked it up and read:

Eve, went down stairs to make us some breakfast, you can thank me when you come down stairs.

I love Max's sense of humor he couldn't help but use it on me and make me laugh even in a note he still seemed to make me laugh. I got out of bed and realizing I was naked I scrambled to find my clothes and put them on.

I went down stairs hopping to find Max downstairs waiting for me, when I got down their he was flipping eggs on the frying pan, when he saw me he gave me a smile and flipped the egg on the pan in the air and catching it obviously trying to show off. I smiled at him and laughed " how long did it take you to get that trick on spot" I said sitting down. " You'd be surprised" he said putting an egg on my plate, " so" he said "how did you sleep?" eyeing me " like an angle" I replyed " well you know besides the fact that my mom is probably dead, or at least kidnapped" he looked at me like I just said what was on his mind " oh why you were sleeping, like an angle I might add", he said with giving me a smile " the county jail called wanting you to come down" "why?!" I replyed a little frightened " what did I do? what did they say?!!" I said getting up " what if I get arrested or-" Max cut me off by pulling me towards him and giving me a kiss I immediately stopped in shock but didn't complain, who would. " that was a nice way of telling me to shut up" I said with a smile, he smiled back and than replyed " just so you know your not in trouble, when I asked what it was about they just said they wanted you to meet someone very important" " oh good lets go!" I said grabbing my jacket and putting on my shoes.

we got in the car and headed to the county jail, the sound of 80's, and 90's music was filling the car, I looked over and found Max bobbing his head and tapping his hands on the steering wheel to the beat of the music he obviously loved this song and so did I, instead of Diana Ross singing, this time Michael Jackson was singing his song (Bad).

because you know I'm Bad, I'm Bad

you know it ( you know it)

yah I'm Bad I'm Bad you know it

now the whole world has to answer right now because

I'll tell you once again whose BAD

That's one thing me and Max have in common, we bolth like older music from the 80's or 90's, and don't get me wrong I like the new music, but its not like I have Bieber fever I just grew up listing to Michael Jackson, James Brown, and Diana Ross.

" so?" I said after the song was over " did they tell you who we are suppose to meet at a jail?" " yah they told me I just don't think I should tell YOU until we get there" he said this time being serious " why not, is it so bad that you cant tell me after me just had sex" I said giving him the guilt trick and getting a little frustrated, " well I'm glad we are having a calm conversation" he said being sarcastic " besides I don't think you want to know until your there, after all I don't want to see my GIRL FRIEND up set" my eyes got wide when he put emphasis on the word girl friend " are you serious?" I said " What?" he responded " I'm your girl friend?" I said looking at him " well yah unless you have a problem-" " no of course not its just that it took you long enough" I said trying not to blush he gave a slight laugh and and put his hand on my leg.

we pulled up at the police station, I was nervous as hell for the fact I had no idea what what I was in store, but some how still managed to suck it up and walk inside. Max must have realized just how nervous I was because he put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear " its ok to be nervous I'm right here" he said in the sexiest voice I've ever herd I then all of the sudden felt a slight bit better. As we walked towards the door there had already been an officer waiting for us by the entrance, as soon as he saw us said " ah Miz. Pains and...........um the boy I talked to on the phone" " its Max" Max said I could tell he was annoyed " yes well follow me this way" the officer said gesturing for us to follow him inside.

the inside of the building was a lot bigger than it looked it had mostly all brick walls, and the air smelled of dust and a hospital, to tell the truth it freaked me out a little. The officer took me and Max into a small well lit room on the top floor of the jail floor, he told us to take a seat, so me and Max took a seat next to each other and the officer across the big circular table from us. He looked at us for what seemed like a century but was really only 10min. than he finally spoke " Eve Pains we called you here because we think that it is very important for you to meet someone we think might be helpful in your mother's case, I won't tell you who it is for he said he wishes to tell you him self" " I looked at the officer very confused, than I looked at Max as if expecting him to tell me what's going on but he just gave me a smile and gave the officer a nod. " Ok I will leave you two it and I will go get him" the officer said getting up and leaving the room.

I was left in the lonely well lit room with Max, I sat in my seat unable to ask all the questions racing through my mind, I was still very confused on who I was expected to meet. I was startled when Max grabbed my hand and grabbing my attention, I looked at him wide eyed " are you ok you don't look so good?" he said with sympathy in his eyes, " I- I don't know what I'm getting into...... I mean what if I'm not ready to meet this person............. what if I'm scared?" I said looking into his eyes " look I don't know if you want to meet this person, or not but I do know that it will help you find a little bit of closure, and no matter how scared you are, you can always look at me and I will be right here and if you can't do it, let me know and we will go...... ok?" he said looking straight into my eyes his had squeezing mine tighter, that's when I pretty much knew that the person I was about to meet isn't the person of my dreams.

We waited in silence for 30min. until the door opened and a cop popped his head in and asked " Eve are you ready?" I nodded in response afraid that if I talked I'd chicken out so I just nodded. than the officer opened the door and gestured for the person on the other side of it to step in and take a seat.

A quite well built man, in his 50's or 60's, stepped onto the room with us, he had a tattoo on the right side of his arm, that looked kind of like a heart with an arrow through it, his hair was a dark brown, and he was a medium sized man, he looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on we're I had seen him, oh and what really freaked me out and you would think so to is that he was wearing a orange jump suit, obviously he is imprisoned. He sat down across the table from Alex and me, i looked at Alex giving him one of thoughs ( I'm about to run out of the building looks) he seemed like he knew what the look was when I gave him it because he whispered " its ok just listen to him when he talks hell explain" I nodded and turned back to the familiar creepy looking man.

after a while the man finally spoke he said " hello Eve I can't expect you to know me even at all, but I've known you your whole life and I just want you to know that you don't have to be scared, I love you Eve......... I've loved you your whole life" he than begun to cry hysterically in sobs " I-I'm sorry sir. but I don't know you....... who are you?" I said trying to keep calm and not freak out. he stopped crying and answered my question " Eve......" he said between sobs " it's me I've looked for you for your whole life......... I'm your daddy Eve"

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