its kind of confusing

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Oh my God what just happened why is he here, not even realizing I was mumbling to myself, probably looking like a idiot. "Eve since you have been such a volunteer, how about Max sits at your table". I liked the idea in one way but didn't in another. he walked ever so briskly to my table, I guess he knew the other girls in class liked him because as he walked by them they did a little wave and giggled a girly laugh, and he gave a small grin like was enjoying it.

he sat down across from me at the table, I didn't even realize I was staring at him until he looked at me and gave me a (what the heck are you doing stare) I quickly snapped back to reality and tried to focus on Mr. Krayler the rest of the hour, but I could feel is interrogating stare apone me. Once I looked up at him and he gave me a glare, this not what I expected the boy from my dreams to be like. after class was over I quickly raced out of the class room trying hard not to trip. Instead I bumped into a girl who I think was named Violet. " Ooch, Hey Will You Watch Were your going You Dork!" than her and her friend started laughing, usually that would have gotten to me and I would have socked her one in her pretty little face but, I ignored them because I was still thinking about my new table buddy Max.

My next class was in the library, well actually it was Spanish, but I usually skip that class and go to the library to read, or in this case sleep. But I couldn't really sleep because I kept hearing my name, at first I shrugged it off, but the next time it happened I thought mabie someone was trying to get my attention, I followed the voice until I was standing by a shelf of books in the back of the library. I listened one more time for the voice to say my name again, I waited, and waited finally I herd voices I listed deeper than it said my name again it was coming from the other side of the book shelf. I put my ear up close to the shelf to see if I could hear anything, that's eavesdropping I know but I was curious.

I made out what sounded like a guy's voice," Please Mr. Krayler isn't there any other seats you could put me in?" than I herd a slightly older mans voice that of course was Mr. Krayler " I just don't think so I'm sorry son besides I think you and Eve need to get along we have a field trip coming up and it requires your table partners". that's when I realized that Mr. Krayler was talking to Max. Max was about to say something but I interrupted by moving my hand and accidentally knocked over a book, I froze in my tracks unable to even move, I quickly picked it up and put it back. I tried to see if I could still hear talking or even breathing but nothing, they were gone.

After school was over I walked home in a steady and quite pace, I just couldn't get Max out of my head, I thought about how extremely cute he was and that he looked exactly like the guy in my dream, but why did he not like me, what did I ever do to him, besides the occasional staring thing but its not like I cant help it hes just so cute.

The next day after first period I headed to geography excided to see Max. When I walked into the room I almost gasped at the sight of him sitting their he just look so handsome, I know what your thinking that I've got this strange obsession right well you see to me I never really experienced this kind of feeling before so it was all knew to me, but why did he have to be so damn gorgeous. As I walked slowly towards are table I could feel the electricity between us, but than another thought accured to me what if he knew I was listing to his and Mr. Kraylers conversation yesterday. I sat down, took of my back pack and flung it on the back of my chair, I looked up to find him staring at me again and our eyes instantly locked again, I finally broke the trance and started writing in my note book.

I could still feel him staring at me so I looked up again, but this time he talked to me. " Hi I'm Max I didn't get a chance to introduce myself." he said with a half a grin, " h- hello" I said. trying not to choke on my words. he smiled again but this time with teeth that were pearl white, " Your names Eve right?" all I could do was nod as I stared in disbelief he was actually talking, to me I didn't even think he liked me.

we didn't talk much the rest of the period just exchanged glances and grins, I think I might actually warm up to him.

after school it was pouring rain, I tried to call my mom but she wouldn't answer because she was at work, and I was not wearing the best rain clothes, I couldn't get a ride from a friend well because I had none, so I just started walking the heals I was wearing wernt helping much either, I stepped on something hard and broke a heal I took it of and than started walking again, finally I just sat on the curb exhausted, wet and cold, and probably smelled like a wet dog. Just than I herd some one pull up beside me, I looked up and found Max sitting the car with the window rolled down. "Eve? is that you, are you ok?" I just looked up and nodded. " Well do you need a ride? because I can give you one." he replyed. again I shook my head and looked ahead, he eyed me over and saw my broken heal and the way I was dressed, I think I saw him smile and than chuckle a little bit, " come on Eve you don't look good just let me drive you" I finally gave up and replyed" sure" and opened the passenger door and got it.

"so..... what's your address" he asked breaking the silence " what?" I said shocked he chuckled and said "well I need to get you home don't I?" he smiled, oh ya I completely dosed off I guess from the fact I was in his car. " oh um it's uh 3736, Burine Ave." he nodded and than silence filled the car once again.

he pulled in front of my house when we arrived, I told him thank you, he smiled at me and then as in thinking over his words he said "you have a good night Eve" I smiled and reached for the door but at the same time as he did, our hands touched each other and it was like instant electricity, I wanted to run out of the car, but I also just wanted to kiss him. He opened the door to let me out, again I said thank you and closed the door, as I reached the front door I glanced back at him, he gave me a quick smile and drove away. that was the first night I ever felt a connection.

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