i just dont understand

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I was running from something, something, or someone I couldn't make out what, or who I was running from, I was running to fast. I was running down the street of my naborhood, but every corner I turned was a dead end, and I'd have to keep running I couldn't stop, somehow I knew if I did stop something bad would happen. I got to the last dead end but this time I couldn't turn around and run the other way I was stuck, it was like my feet were glued, as I turned around I saw I tall muscular man his face was blurry but it was like I knew this man, he said something to me but I didn't hear him because I was suddenly shaken awake.

I shot my eyes opened in fear, and woke up to Max looking up on me " are you ok? I left to make you some tea and I herd you scream so I ran up here" he said handing me the cup of tea " thanks" I said taking a sip of tea " so..........?" he said looking me in the eyes " so................?" I said back sarcastically " so........ are you going to tell me about that little dream of yours" he said scooting closer to me " oh ya that... it- it was nothing important just a dream it wasn't real or anything" I replyed hoping he'd buy it............. and he didn't"t " don't tell me it was nothing Eve, it had to be something that scared you because you were screaming" he said brushing the hair out of my face, I knew I should have pulled my hair back last night, now he was saducing me, so not fair. " ok I'll tell you but you have to promise to try to understand no matter how stupid it sounds" I said this time looking him in the eye, he gave me a nod and gave a small grin and waited for me to explain. " ok well I had a dream that I was running down my naborhood, and every corner I turned was always a dead end and I would have to turn around the same way I came, than I came to a dead end again but this time I was trapped and I couldn't move, than I saw a man come towards me that looked familiar, but his face was blurry so I couldn't"t make him out, and than he- he spoke to me" I said looking up at Max waiting for him to say I was crazy and that it was just a dream but he didn't, instead he said " so what did this familiar man say to you?" " I-I don't know you woke me up before I could make it out" I said slowly getting off the bed " oh.......... ok sorry I guess, wish you knew" he said helping me find my shoes " Why ?" I asked " Why do you want to know what he said so bad?" " huh? oh just curious I guess" he said handing me my shoes.

we walked down stairs in silence I was still thinking about why he wanted so badly to know what the man in my dreams said to me he sounded like it had been so important, after all it was only a dream it wasn't real............ wasn't it? " I can give you a ride if you want?" he said reaching for my hand to hold it " I nodded in a trance" and grabbed my jacket.

we got in the car and started for my house, the sound of Diana Ross was playing in his car, from how long I've known Max I sort of noticed that he like old music from the 80's and 90's. It was kind of interesting. He broke me out of my thought by grabbing my hand, I looked up at him as he gave me a smile, I smiled back and and held his hand back. " is something wrong?" he asked pulling over in front of my house " no why are you asking?" I said looking down at the ground but he caught my chin and leaned in for a kiss, every time he kissed me it sent electricity down my spine but it's not like I didn't like it, our lips departed in what seemed like slow motion, he than replyed " it's just that you seemed a little down" giving me a smile and me giving him a smile back, I opened the car door and stepped out. I never thought I would ever say this but I think I might be in love with a guy that loves me back, and it wasn't my fault to think that mabie Max and I are officially together.

I stepped into my house starving and a little jumpy from my dream. " mom!? are you here!!" I said looking around I guess she wasn't actually I didn't think anyone was home, my mom has a all day shift as a teacher in Pullman,and my dad........... well my dad isn't around anymore he left when I was only four years old. And I can pretty much bet that he won't be coming back anytime soon. I took a seat in front of the TV I was not really watching TV it just helped me get my mind off of Max, and that horrible dream I had this morning. Apparently it didn't work because I fell asleep and had the same dream only it seamed like the amount of time was shorter when I met the mysterious man, than just like that I awoke on the couch I looked around for the time and relized that I had been asleep for quite awhile just about for six and a half hours, that's the longest I've ever slept it was weird.

I got up off of the couch to go up to my room, it was almost 7:30pm and I was still tired,my mom still wasn't home but it didn't make me that worried she usually didn't come home until at least 9:00 in the morning. I walked up the stairs slowly but still awake. As I got in my room it was colder than usual and it was stuffy, so I opened a window and turned up the air conditioning didn't make a lot of sense I know but that's just about all I could do. I sat down on my bed trying to warm up, and breath again. when I herd shouting outside my window, I slowly got up and looked outside, it was my neighbor's Mr., and Mrs. Kelly they always fight, we have actually called the cops on Mr. Kelly about five, or six times. Mr. Kelly, if its a really bad fight some times hits Mrs. Kelly I feel bad for her weak and defensless,it didn't look that bad today they eventually stopped, and I went back and sat on my bed with thoughts.

I woke up at 10:30am in the morning, I checked my phone for messages but had non..........figured. I went down stairs to eat some cereal, but I didn't see my mom down stairs thinking she was asleep in her room, I went to go and wake her up, but as I walked in her room she was no were to be found " mom you in here?!!" I said but had no response starting to worry I tried to call her on her cell phone but it went straight to voice mail, I checked to see if her car was in the drive way and discovered that she hadn't even been home. That's when I really started to worry I tried to call her work and the places she usually goes but nobody saw her, her work said that she left at around 8:30am, she should have been home by now.

I called the police to see if I could file a missing persons report, but they said I had to wait 24 hours. I was so scared and there was only one person I could call to make me feel a little bit better.

the door bell rang and I hurried to open it relieved when I found Max at the door with a worried look on his face. " what happened? you sounded scared on the phone!" he said walking in and closing the door. " my mom didn't come home today I'm starting to feel like somethings wrong" I said holding back my tears " it's ok calm down we will figure this out ok" he said pulling me towards him for a huge, my head was pressed against his chest he smelled of peppermint and calone, he calmed me down.

Max was kind enough to stay with me all night, and keep me company and make sure I was ok, and I also didn't want to be alone. I'm glade I wasn't alone tonight.

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