your kidding right

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The next day was devastating, school was closed for the weak because someone had committed suicide. the cops haven't told anyone anything until they discovered the body. Just a bout the only thing we know was that it was a girl and that's it.

My mom asked me to go to the grocery store for some stuff she needed. My mom didn't drive, she stopped after my dad died. So I got in the car and headed to the store, last night I had the same dream I always had, but this time it was different, this time he actually gave me his name, and than we touched hands, it was exactly like yesterday it was the strangest thing.

When I got to the grocery store I felt this tingling sensation, as soon as I stepped out of the car. But shrugged it off and went into the store anyways. I took a shopping cart and slowly made my way down the aisles looking for some milk, I stopped in front of the sliding door the milk was in, and reached for it but I couldn't quite get it, it was on the taller shelf, one that I couldn't reach, suddenly I felt that tingling static sensation again, than I herd a voice whisper in my ear, " You need some help with that?" I knew who it was in an instant, his warm breath as he talked sent a shiver down my back. I turned around to meet eye contact with him and sure enough Max was standing behind me with a faint smile on his face, " Well?" he said seeming a little impatient. I slowly nodded yes and quickly stepped aside, he than reached up and grabbed the Carton of milk and handed it to me, " There you go" he said handing me the milk, my eyes instantly locked with his for a split second, finally I broke the stare, feeling stupid and embarrassed I quickly and politely said thank you and quickly walked away.

I was afraid if I turned around he be staring at me and I would walk back to him, so I didn't I just kept walking, but just before I I turned the corner I herd him say my name I quickly turned around to meet his eyes, he walking toward me, each step he took the tingling grew stronger and stronger. When he finally got to me he was standing so close the end of his shoe was touching mine and the electricity got so strong I thought I was going to lose it and kiss him, although I probably wouldn't mind if I did. He must have noticed I was getting a little uncomfortable so he backed up a bit. He than replyed " are you going to need help taking that to your car? because I could help" having a delayed reaction I replyed " No thanks its not really that much but thanks" before I could turn around he said " Than at least let me walk you, I mean you never know you could need help reaching the door handle" he said giving a chuckle, I gave him a little glare and turned around " fine I guess you can, if you want" I said walking to the check out aisle, thought I herd him chuckle again but kept walking.

as we walked out side, the air was a little lighter but I could still feel the electricity between me and Max. "So....." I said breaking the terribly awkward silence, "can I ask you a question?" i asked hesitantly, " if its about that whole short joke than I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that it was just a little joke." he replyed " No, no its not that" i replyed. " than shoot" he said giving me the most attractive smile ever, " I was wondering about you know,............. yesterday........why did you help me, give me a ride I thought you, you.........hated me?" I said eyeing him, " no I don't hate you it's just that I was in a bad mood and I couldn't just leave you out their in the freezing cold, damp and wet." he replyed staring into my eyes. " than why were you in such a bad mood?" I asked hesitantly. finally breaking my stare he gave me glare and replyed " Why do you have to ask so many questions? can't you just thank me?" he said angrily. getting mad I gave him a glare back and said " thank you" but its not like I really meant it I was mad at him for being so rude, I didn't get him, one minute he was sexy and nice, and the next he was arrogant and rude, what was his problem.

he quickly walked back to me and stood next to me in front of my car and started helping me load things in. "Look sorry about that, sometimes I get a little defensive" he said with the nicest grin he could show. I gave a grin back, I couldn't stay mad at him he was killing me with that damn sexy smile. changing the subject i said " hey did you hear about the girl who killed her self?" " yah I did its a sad thing to hear but things will happen" he said with a frown " did they tell who it is yet?" I replyed " yah they said it was a girl named Violet Everstine" I suddenly froze in shock " did you just say violet?" I asked in concern. " yah why do you know her?" he said looking worried as well, " no I, I don't think so just sounds familiar that's all" I replyed trying to think " oh ok well I'll see you around" he said touching my shoulder and turning away starting for his car, I tried not to gasp as the electricity filled my shoulder, I looked at him in his car, he gave me a wave and a smile and drove away.

I shut the trunk of my car thinking of the name violet the girl that killed herself why did she sound so familiar, but before I could think of any thing some one quickly pulled on my arm and through me on the ground, it was a a tall husky looking man with a ski mask on, he was slightly more buff than Max and was wearing all black, was I really being robbed? the mans face suddenly went blurry, I thought he said some thing to me but I slowly fell unconscious, unable to hear him.

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