dose any of this make sense

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I woke up with the same pain in my stomach, but it didn't hert as much as it had. I looked over at Max but he was gone, I herd dishes down stairs clanking together, I than felt a sudden relief, he was down stairs probably making breakfast, I didn't even have that dream I usually do, which was weird because I have never gone a day without dreaming it. I slowly got up forgetting my stitches on my stomach, feeling the sharp pain again, I slowly changed my motion to slowly sitting up.

I made my way down the stairs taking each steep at a time, I took the last step and peered into the kitchen. " look who's awake" he said not even turning around, I jumped a little startled, than I asked walking to sit down. " How did you know I was awake?" " its not hard to guess, you were limping all the way down the stairs" he said chuckling.

I smiled at him as I sat down, he slid over a plate with eggs and bacon on it. "Thank you" I said slowly eating, "it's not that big of a problem I had extra time I woke up at 5:00 today" he said sitting next to me. " you didn't have to I could of helped you" I said taking another bite of my food. "probably, but from what happened yesterday, you probably needed the sleep so I just let you sleep". he said. " speaking of yesterday how are your stitches?" " um..... I don't know they kind of hert when I woke up, I guess" I said putting my plate away and sitting back down. " it will probably be a good time for me to change the rap" he said walking towards me. But before he could lift up the corner of my shirt again I quickly lifted it up for him, knowing if he did it, I would feel electricity and kiss him, he looked up at me astonished, but I think I saw a corner of a smile.

"can I ask you one more question?" I asked looking at him rapping my wound, he looked at me just a little irritated and said "sure but could you make it simple, your questions seem to tier me out" ignoring the comment, I asked as he put the corner of my shirt down " do you know me?........I mean have we meant before?" he didn't answer right away he just adjusted his seat to turn towards me, he looked me in the eye and replyed " no I don't think so" he said it like he didn't want to talk about the question I had asked, " how do you know we haven't?" I asked looking at him back, "how do YOU know we have?" he asked getting up and walking somewhere, I followed him and asked "well than how come you look so familiar ?"I said standing in front of him, " don't know coincidence I guess" he said walking around me I started to ask another question when he cut me off irritability," why do you keep asking me so many questions, you know some of them I don't even have the answer to!" "I was just trying to start a conversation!!" now getting angry at him for over reacting, " well do me a favor and not do it any more!!!" he said staring at with a glare, I ran up the room,not forgetting my stitches and to be careful so it wasn't the fastest I've ran. I slammed the door, and through my self on the bed and sobbed until I was completely dry of tears.

I was getting very mad at him what was his problem any ways it was like living with a dog that can't decide which way to chase his tail, I mean one moment he was sexy and nice and the next he was yelling at me, over something as simple as a question.

I woke up a little after 10, my eyes stained with tears, I noticed that it was quiet, to quite for this house. I slowly made my way off the bed checking my stitches, they were good. I walked down stairs, looking over the corner as I got to the bottom, nobody was here, I expected Max to say something like, "your finally up huh?" but I couldn't find him, I walked in the kitchen, still nothing I was starting to get worried. than I heard a loud bang, in fear I ran outside were I heard the noise. Probably not the best idea but I was scared, I closed the front door behind me as I stepped into the bright sunlight, and highlighted green grass it was beautiful out here.

I heard the loud bang again but louder I followed the sound to the back yard, were I found Max chopping wood, he was wearing a red muscle shirt and blue jeans that had a rip in the knee, he looked sexy in thoughs clothes, well except he was sweating a little bit which through me off. He didn't see me so I called his name, but I think I said a little to loud, because I startled him and he through the ax, it cut the side of his eye and landed next to his feet. He grasped his eye in pain and looked at me kind of annoyed, and angry. I tried to keep from laughing but it didn't quite work I giggled a little bit covering my mouth, I know its not funny but it was nice to watch him get hert for once. He walked over to me "and why do you think this is funny?" he said pointing to his eye. "I don't." I said cutting off my smile, "do you want me to help you with that? I could use the first aid kit, I know how." I said again looking at his eye, "no it's ok I can take it" he said walking towards the door. But I stopped him by getting in front of him, "you can stop acting like your that tuff, besides I owe you one for helping me." I said staring at him, " ok" he said " the first aid kit is under the bed can you go get it?" I nodded giving a smile and went upstairs to grab it.

I went back down stairs with the first aid kit in had, I saw Max had gotten dressed and was now wearing a blue T-shirt and some non-whole jeans, and was sitting in the chair holding his eye, waiting for me. I walked over to him in a brisk but human walk, and sat down next to him I grabbed out some peroxide and some gauze to cover it up, I looked at him as I put the peroxide on his eye, he kind of squinted in pain " sorry" I said in a low voice, than I put the gauze on and taped it to hold, "I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" said closing the first aid box, " I guess its ok you didn't mean to, I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning I was just in a bad mood", he said looking at me, " it's ok" I replyed I than leaned to put pressure on his wound, but as I did I felt his warm fingers brush against cheek, it sent electricity all over my body, and before I knew it our lips were pressing together, his lips felt like the inside of a rose peddle, I rapped my arms around his neck not able to control myself, he than pulled me in closer to the point were our bodies were touching, ignoring the electricity it gave me.

it felt like forever before we stopped kissing, but once we did I was kind of bummed out, he took his had band placed it on my four head as if something was wrong, I asked him " what's wrong?" " you feel hot I think you have a fever" he replyed getting a cold wash cloth. he held it on my four head for a while and said "you should go lay in bed for a while" I told him that it was no big deal,that it would go away, I hated that we had to stop kissing, " no I really think you should, you look kind of pale" he said, " fine" said getting up but something was wrong I suddenly felt light headed and the air was getting light and hard to breath, I fell off balance and hit the floor hard, I would of hit it worse but Max caught me, and before I blinked I was out........... again.

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