so what does that mean

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So I didn't get any sleep heck I was to worried to even get dressed today but some how I managed. I know one person who had a soundless sleep, as I looked over at Max who was even cuter when he was asleep, I tried to think of something to entertain and keep me occupied so I wouldn't think and worry about my mom, so I decided to make breakfast for Max and I. I went over to the cupboard and took out two pans one for the eggs and one for the sausage. But I was interrupted by someone jumping up behind me. I could tell that it was Max because I could smell his calone, tempted to kiss him, I turned around to find him sitting on the table stool giving me a grin. " why are you grinning at me like that?" I said heating up the pans " well......... it's nothing really just that I've never seen you cook that's all" he said giving another one of his incredibly cute smiles " i cook just not often" I replyed avoiding eye contact. " well should you like me to help you out, I know a little something about cooking" he said this time coming towards me. " and-and what is wrong with how I cook?" I said hoping he would just kiss me and break the awkward silence.

but in stead he replyed " well for instance you turned the oven to 230 degrees when its supposed to be 330." " ok thanks" I said a little embarrassed and a irritated. I turned around so he couldn't see my face as red as it was. I suddenly felt him put his hands on my waist I turned around slowly meeting his gaze " I'm sorry if I had upset you" he said pulling me towards him I shook my head in response for that's all I could do because the electricity he was giving me made me lose my thought, he smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss I didn't even try to fight it, why would I.

as he was kissing me i noticed how he was holding me, he was holding me like a new born baby, gental, and comforting his hands were rapped around my waist it gave me more electricity that anything.

But this time we were bolth interrupted when the door bell rang. giving a frown We bolth approached the door ,and opened it, and were shocked find a police officer standing there.

" um can we help you officer?" said Max taking a step outside, but before he could I grabbed his arm he turned towards and I gave him one of thoughs (I really don't think I want to know what he's about to stay) looks, he took my hand and whispered in my ear " its ok I'm right here" I nodded in response and we walked out on the porch and sat down on the Hamic, the officer sat on the bench across from us. " d-did you find anything out on my mother" I said breaking the painfully awkward silence " we aren't quite sure yet I have to tell you something but first I have to ask you some questions" the officer said " ok" I said not knowing what I was in for than the officer started asking his questions.

officer: "how long have you known your mother?.......... I mean are you close?"

me: " well yah of course we are close she's my mom"

officer: " I see and what about your dad are you close to at all?"

me: " my dad left me when I was four years old. so no I'm not close with him why?"

officer: " well this may be hard for you to hear but if we do find your mom and she's um know, how should I put this hummmmmm........... dismembered that's the word. Than you would have to live with someone. have someone to take care of you.

me: " well I can assure you "officer" that it will not be, and will it ever be my "dad" so you can cross him off the list of yours.

officer: " than who will it be your under the age of 18 so you have to live with someone. Do you have any older brother's, or sister's, aunts, uncles, grandparents?

me: " no I have no one my mom is all I have you have to help find her.

officer: " mam we are doing all we can. Now are you sure you have no one to stay with....... anyone?

me: " no one I have-

Max: " she can stay with me at my house"

officer: "and who might you be?"

Max: " I'm her boyfriend and she can stay with me"

officer: "is that alright with you mam?"

me: " yes"

officer: "well than that's great we will call you if we get any more leads on your mother"

me: "thank you officer!"

officer: " oh and Eve, I forgot to tell you your father called in and asked to speak with you, he said its real important!"

me: "why? I barley know him what's it about?"

officer: " (shrugging) don't know he didn't mention it but um if you feel up to call him, here's his number"

me: " thanks"

Max: " drive safely"

I can't believe this why is my dad just now calling me after 12in a half years, and why did he think I was going to call him back, I don't deserve him, after all he did to me, leaving me fatherless for 12 years, at four years old I saw little girls with their dad's all the time. I remember thinking, wishing that I could have their life, hoping that one day he would come back to me, but my wish never came true. But why was it now, why did God pick this time? and what was so I important he wanted to talk about.

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