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A noise in the darkness beyond our cage pricked my senses. I got to my feet, standing protectively in front of Vanessa. She stood, moving forward.

My body was tense and ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of danger, warrior instincts kicking in as I pushed her behind me.

I had to keep her safe. My wolf side snarled, aching for a fight. Our rut had just barely calmed the beast.

Whoever was out there laughed, the sound mocking and cruel. The concrete of the cage seemed to amplify the sound, a sharp contrast to the warmth of Vanessa's body.

"Stay behind me," I growled, my tone laced with urgency and possessiveness. To my surprise, a shiver of anticipation coursed through me when she nodded, her warm brown eyes filled with a mixture of fear and trust.

"Who's there?" Vanessa called out into the darkness, her voice surprisingly steady despite the tremble in her hands.

I strained to catch any movement beyond the bars of our prison. Every muscle in my body was coiled, ready to unleash violence at a moment's notice.

"Please don't leave me," Vanessa pleaded, grabbing my arm.

How could she even think that I'd leave her? The desperation in her voice tugged at my heart, but I knew I couldn't afford any distractions.

"Trust me," I urged, my gaze never leaving the darkness beyond our cage. "I won't let anything hurt you."

The world slowed as we waited for the unknown threat to reveal itself. My heartbeat echoed loudly in my ears, drowning out everything but the sound of Vanessa's shallow breaths.

As my senses sharpened, I caught a faint scent of something familiar– a bitter tang that sent my mind racing. Could it be... Anwir?

"Show yourself!" I roared, the ferocity of my voice reverberating through the cage. Vanessa flinched at the sound but remained steadfastly behind me, her breaths coming in short, rapid gasps.

The shadows seemed to dance in response, and then, finally, a figure slithered from the darkness – a twisted smirk playing on Anwir's cruel lips as his many eyes gleamed with malice.

The stench of Anwir's rotting breath filled the air before I even saw his twisted face.

The heavy metal door to our cell groaned open and there he stood, a grotesque figure bathed in the dim light of the corridor. His greenish-gray skin glistened with slime, and his multiple eyes gleamed.

"Ah, Wolf... always so protective," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "You really should learn to share, you know."

Anwir's bulbous eyes leered at Vanessa as he slithered closer, his putrid stench assaulting my nostrils.

"Stay away from her," I snarled, my body tense and poised for action.

"Or what, mutt?" Anwir taunted.

Vanessa's grip tightened around my arm, her fear palpable. My wolf howled, wanting out. I pushed him back.

"Or you'll regret it," I threatened, my voice low and menacing as I stared him down. The tension in the air was palpable, an explosive mix of danger, violence, and a lingering trace of the passion that had been between us moments before.

"Is that so?" Anwir's lewd gaze slid over Vanessa. "Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"

With that, he took another step closer, and I braced myself – ready to fight, to protect, to do whatever it took to keep Vanessa safe.

Anwir summoned his guards. Their chitinous limbs clacked against the stone floor as they approached. I bared my teeth in warning, but their cold, empty eyes showed no fear.

Two of them came in, grabbing me. One more came in to get Vanessa too.

Their claws clamped down on my arms, wrenching me forward. I thrashed against their iron grip, but it was useless. Anwir's grating laughter echoed through the cell.

"Let's go, Wolf," Anwir sneered, baring his yellow teeth. "Now that you've rutted, it's time for another show."

I clenched my fists, my scarred knuckles turning white. Another fight meant more blood on my hands – more souls lost to this cruel game. But it wasn't just my life at stake anymore; Vanessa's was too.

"Tell your males to back off and leave Vanessa here." I growled, my voice low and threatening as I rose to my feet. "I'll go willingly."

"Seeing as you asked so nicely," Anwir said with a sinister grin, gesturing for his males to step aside. They chittered and skittered, their mandibles twitching with anticipation. Those freaks loved watching me bleed.

Red pulsed at the edges of my vision. I pictured my claws tearing through Anwir's slimy flesh, my jaws crushing his bones. One day I would make him pay for everything he'd done. For now, I had no choice but to let them drag me from my cell toward the deafening roar of the arena crowd, their bloodthirsty cheers heralding my impending doom. But I would not go down without a fight.

I followed them out of the cell, leaving Vanessa there, safe.

As they roughly shoved me towards the arena, I couldn't help but think about her.

I promised to keep her safe but the truth was, she was the one saving me. Her fierce spirit and unwavering kindness had sparked something inside me– hope, perhaps, or maybe even something more.

But as the distance between us grew, I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited us on the other side of this fight. Would we ever get the chance to explore the unspoken connection that burned so fiercely between us?

The roar of the crowd reached my ears long before we entered the arena. Hundreds of beings, their faces painted with bloodlust, hungered for violence. I could feel their excitement like a living thing– a dark cloud that threatened to suffocate me.

"Remember why you're fighting," I whispered to myself, trying to focus on the task at hand. It wasn't enough to simply survive anymore; I had to make it out of this hellhole with Vanessa by my side.

"Good luck, Wolf," Anwir hissed, slapping me on the back hard enough to leave a slimy handprint. "You'll need it."

He slithered away, off to his front row seat.

As I stepped into the arena, the deafening cheers of the crowd washed over me like a tidal wave. Their cries for blood and death filled the air, drowning out any semblance of reason or mercy.

But as I stood there, battered and bruised, I knew that I would fight– not for their twisted amusement, but for something far greater.

Bring it on. I narrowed my golden eyes and let the beast within me rise to meet the challenge. For Vanessa, I would fight. And I would win.

This was it. Kill or be killed. I tensed, ready to transform into my wolf form. My enhanced speed and reflexes would give me a fighting chance against this monster.

But then I saw her and froze.

Vanessa stood in the stands, her face pale but determined. Our eyes met and dread coursed through me. What was she doing here?

Anwir slithered up to her side, his slimy hand wrapping around her throat. Of course, he lied.

He yelled over the crowd. "Win or I claim and kill her, Wolf."

✶ ☾ ✶


AAAAAAH!! Damn, I had fun writing this chapter hahaha

What's gonna happen in the arenaaaaaa? 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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