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The cold, metallic walls of Anwir's lair seemed to close in on me as I shivered, my breath hitching. My heart pounded like a runaway drum, echoing through the chambers of my chest.

The dimly lit room smelled of sweat and fear, a constant reminder of my predicament. I was trapped, alone in an alien world where I didn't belong. I didn't even know where they took Lorian.

"Pathetic little Earthling," Anwir sneered, his multiple roving eyes narrowing as he stared down at me with contempt.

I clenched my fists, trying to suppress the terror bubbling within me. He was wrong. I had to be stronger than this. For myself, for Draug, for any chance of escape.

Luckily, he hadn't even chained me. I just needed him to open my cell door and I'd scream and get out of here.

"Open that door and see how pathetic I am, Anwir," I spat.

"Feisty," he chuckled. "Let's see if you feel as good as you look," Anwir taunted, unlocking the cell door. A cruel smile spread across his greenish-gray face. "Try not to die too quickly."

"Thanks for the opportunity," I spat, shooting Anwir a defiant glare before punching him so hard that one of his eyes exploded. He wailed, a pitiful sound.

I darted past him into the hallway. My feet pounded against the metal floor, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Run all you want!" Anwir called after me, his sinister unhinged laughter echoing down the corridors. "It won't make a difference!"

I pushed his taunts aside, focusing on my goal. My survival instincts kicked in, guiding me through the labyrinthine passageways.

I spotted a ventilation shaft up ahead, just large enough for me to squeeze through. It was a risk, but it was better than facing Anwir's wrath. I leaped onto a nearby crate and hoisted myself up, ignoring the pain as my fingers dug into the metal grate.

"Come on, Vanessa," I whispered to myself, struggling to pry the grate loose. "You can do this."

With one final burst of strength, the grate gave way, and I slipped inside. I knew that staying in Anwir's lair meant certain doom, so I crawled through the narrow shaft, driven by desperation and hope.

I couldn't shake the image of Draug from my mind – his rugged features and fierce protectiveness calling to me like a beacon in the darkness. If I could just make it back to him, maybe there was a chance for us both.

But even as I navigated the twisted maze of the ventilation system, my fears haunted me. Would I ever truly belong in this alien world? Could I survive the trials I had yet to face?

"Focus, Vanessa," I scolded myself, banishing my doubts and pressing onward. I couldn't afford to lose hope now, not when my life – and potentially Draug's – hung in the balance.

As I finally emerged from the ventilation shaft, I found myself in a deserted cargo area.

There was one, small, old-looking ship. I took my chances and scrambled over to it.

The taste of stale air filled my mouth as I stumbled into the cramped ship. My heart raced, sweat beading on my forehead as I slammed my palm against the big red launch button.

Here went nothing.

The metallic capsule shuddered violently before shooting out of the hanger, propelling me into the vast emptiness of space.

"Shit!" I cursed, clutching the armrests as the small ship hurtled through the galaxy. My breath came in short gasps, chest tightening with every second that passed. It was then that I noticed the blinking light on the control panel – the life support system was failing, air supply dwindling rapidly.

"Come on, Vanessa," I muttered, scanning the various buttons and switches for anything that could help. "You've made it this far. You can't die like this."

"Is anyone out there?" I shouted into the communication system, desperation clawing at my throat. Static crackled in response, but I refused to give up. "Please, if you can hear me, I need help!"

"Vanessa?" a familiar voice responded, cutting through the oppressive silence. Draug. Relief washed over me, followed quickly by a resurgence of fear. There was no time to waste.

"Thank God, Draug. I'm running out of air. Please, you have to find me!" My voice trembled, raw emotion seeping through.

"Stay calm, Vanessa. I'll find you. Just hold on a little longer," he said, determination laced through his words.

"Okay," I whispered, eyes darting to the diminishing oxygen gauge, now glowing an ominous red. My hands shook as I gripped the controls, fighting the urge to hyperventilate. I couldn't afford to waste any more precious air.

"Vanessa, I need you to tell me everything you can about your surroundings," Draug instructed, his voice a lifeline tethering me to hope.

"Uh, it's dark," I stammered, peering through the tiny window at the distant stars. "I can see... a cluster of purple nebulas to my right and a massive asteroid field to my left."

"Got it. Hang in there, Vanessa. I'm coming for you." His words were a balm to my frayed nerves, but the creeping dread refused to abate.

"Please hurry, Draug," I whispered, each breath growing shallower than the last. My vision blurred, black spots dancing at the edges. The cold tendrils of panic wrapped around my heart, constricting ever tighter.

"Vanessa? You need to stay awake. Talk to me," Draug pleaded, urgency clear in his tone.

"Okay," I gasped, fighting the weight pressing down on my chest. "Remember... when we first met, and I thought you were going to eat me?"

"Of course. I was a giant beast of a wolf to you," he replied, a hint of a smile in his voice.

"Maybe so," I wheezed, feeling consciousness slipping away. "But now you're my hero, Draug. Please... save me."

"Vanessa!" His cry echoed in my ears as darkness consumed me, my desperate hope clinging to the promise of rescue.

✶ ☾ ✶



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