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We broke into Anwir's stronghold, his minions no match for our team.

I had shifted into my massive wolf form, teeth bared and ready to strike. The others fanned out, each showcasing their unique fighting styles and weaponry as they fought off Anwir's henchmen.

We split apart to look for Vanessa and Lorian.

I followed Vanessa's scent to a cell, but instead of Vanessa, it held Anwir, slumped and bleeding from one of his eyes. I shifted back.

"Where is she?" I growled, golden eyes burning with ferocity.

Anwir let out an unhinged laugh. "Dead."

Pain and anguish tore through my chest. I stumbled back like I was physically wounded. No! She couldn't be. She couldn't. I knew in my heart that she wasn't dead.

Suddenly, my comms beeped. It was Killian.

"Draug, I was monitoring nearby ships and I think I found Vanessa!" he said, out of breath.

"Patch me through," I said roughly, staring down Anwir who was still slumped over, clearly not a threat.

Relief flooded my system when I heard her sweet voice. But that relief was quick lived when I realised she was on a ship and losing oxygen.

With one last disgusted look at Anwir, I followed Vanessa's scent to an empty hangar. I ran over to the nearest computer and hacked into Vanessa's ship to get it to land.

The door to the hangar banged open and the team streamed through. They were all there—Torin, Drax, and Killian—rushing into the room with weapons drawn and determination etched on their faces.

"We couldn't find Lorian, but Anwir called reinforcements!" Drax called out as he ran over. Killian reinforced the door to try and hold them off.

"We just need to hold on long enough to land Vanessa's ship and then we can leave," I called back, fingers flying over the screen.

Anwir's henchmen banged on the door, trying to break it down.

Finally, Vanessa's ship landed just as Anwir's forces broke through.

I trusted the rest of the team to handle it while I ran to Vanessa's shuttle, ripping it open to get to her.

I pulled her out and held her close to my chest. Thank the stars, she was still breathing.

Her eyes slowly blinked open. "Draug?"

"Yes, love, I'm here. But I need to help the team, stay here, alright?" I pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Okay," she said weakly.

Reluctantly, I let her go and jumped into the fray.

I shifted into my wolf form.

The air around me hummed with the energy of battle, my senses assaulted by the harsh stench of blood and the guttural cries of Anwir's minions. We fought with deadly ferocity, our unique skills on full display as they cleared a path to freedom.

Drax and Killian worked in tandem, their contrasting strengths forming a lethal duo. Drax's brute force combined with Killian's agility made short work of the enemies in our way. Drax preferred not to shift to his wolf form when possible.

"Almost there," Torin hissed, his vampire speed allowing him to eviscerate a foe before they even knew what hit them.

"Nice of you guys to drop by," Vanessa said to Drax who was closer to her, trying to keep the fear from seeping into her voice.

"Little sister," Drax replied, his own golden eyes locked onto hers as he swiftly dispatched a foe with his powerful werewolf strength. "We couldn't let you have all the fun."

"Fun?" Killian laughed, his red skin glowing as he weaved through the chaos with ease. "This is just another day at work for us."

"Enough talking," Torin snarled, his vampire speed a blur as he slashed through Anwir's minions. "Let's get Vanessa out of here."

As the last of Anwir's minions fell, a mixture of relief and horror washed over me. The floor was slick with blood, and the metallic tang hung heavy in the air.

I shifted back, going to Vanessa who'd propped herself up against the wall.

"Thank you," she whispered.

In one swift motion, I dropped to one knee.

"Vanessa," I began, his voice rough with emotion. "I haven't said this enough, but I love you. I've loved you since the moment we met, and I'll protect you with everything I have. I'll protect you and our youngling."

For a moment, all the violence and danger faded away. It was just us, our hearts laid bare amidst the chaos.

"Draug," she whispered, my eyes filling with tears as she reached out to touch his face. "You have to know that I love you too. And for the first time since I found myself in this alien world, I feel like maybe, just maybe, we can carve out a place for ourselves." She placed a hand on her midsection where our youngling grew. "Together."

"As much as I love this for you, we need to get out of here. More of Anwir's men are on their way and we can't handle that many of them. As much as I hate to say this, we have to leave Lorian. We'll find him though, I swear," Drax said vehemently.

Tears blurred my vision as I picked Vanessa up and carried her out of the carnage.

✶ ☾ ✶



They're so sweet I'm cryinggggg

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Virtually yours,


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