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"Stay back, Draug!" Vanessa shouted, her voice barely reaching my ears as she charged into the arena. There was fear in her eyes, but it was outweighed by her courage– a courage that both amazed and terrified me.

I tried to get to my feet, my entire body aching.

"Damn it, Vanessa," I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest. I couldn't lose her– not after everything we'd been through together.

The beast went after her and Vanessa didn't falter, dodging rubble and leaping over fallen pillars with agile grace.

"Remember your promise!" I bellowed at her, my anger fueled by fear.

The creature lunged for her, sensing an easy target, and I threw myself in its path, taking the brunt of the impact with a pained grunt.

"Keep your distance, Vanessa!" I commanded, gritting my teeth against the pain. "I can handle this!"

"Live up to your gladiator name, Wolf!" Anwir's mocking laughter rang out from above, and my rage intensified. "You'll need all the help you can get!"

"Shut up, Anwir!" Vanessa spat, dodging debris and navigating the treacherous terrain as she moved closer to me. "Draug doesn't need your twisted games!"

"Vanessa, please," I begged, my eyes never leaving hers as I deflected another attack from the monster. "Don't risk yourself for me."

"Too late for that," she murmured, her warm brown eyes filled with a fierce resolve that both awed and frightened me. "We're in this together, Draug. No matter what."

Her voice was barely audible over the chaos unfolding around us. And for the first time since we'd met, I saw something new in her eyes– not just determination, but trust.

Stubborn female. My heart swelled with equal parts love and dread as she drew her makeshift weapon– a shard of metal she'd torn from the arena's walls. She darted forward and managed to stab the monster.

"Fuck!" Vanessa cursed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "What the hell is this thing?"

"Doesn't matter," I muttered, squaring my shoulders and readying myself for another assault. "We just need to survive."

"Easy for you to say," she shot back, panting. "You're the one who can turn into a massive wolf."

"Vanessa, listen," I implored, my voice low and urgent. "I need you to trust me on this. Just follow my lead, and we'll get out of this alive."

She nodded, her expression grim but resolute. "Okay, Draug. I trust you."

"Good girl," I murmured, my words both an affirmation and a prayer. Then, without warning, the creature lunged at us again, and I knew there would be no time for further discussion.

I roared, shifting into my wolf form in an explosion of teeth and fur. Vanessa was here because of me. And I'd be damned if I let anything happen to her now.

I got between the monster and Vanessa, fending him off with my claws and teeth. I rammed into his massive form, teeth ripping into him.

I was doing my best to distract him and drive him away from Vanessa, but he wouldn't relent. He kept coming back for more, lashing out at me with his claws and teeth.

A searing pain tore through my shoulder as one of his claws ripped through the flesh there, but I paid it no attention. My only focus was on keeping the monster from Vanessa. I stood in front of her, protecting her.

But I couldn't hold my wolf form and I shifted back. Fuck.

The monster lunged forward, its massive form bearing down on us. Vanessa's body trembled behind me.

The monster got his claws in me, throwing me into the wall.

Before he could finish me off, Vanessa got his attention, yelling at him.

I was torn between awe at her courage and rage at her recklessness. She was going to get herself killed! I pushed myself up and broke into a sprint, desperate to intercept her before the monster attacked. But I was too late.

The monster's gnarled talons swiped at her, hitting her hard, tearing flesh.

Vanessa's scream pierced the air like a knife, slicing through the din of battle with an intensity that sent me to my knees in pain. The beast passed out from the sound.

All around us, warriors and spectators alike writhed on the ground, their hands clamped over their ears as they moaned in pain. Even Anwir, still perched in his seat of twisted authority, looked dazed and disoriented – a sight that brought a grim sense of satisfaction to my heart.

Clutching my ears, I stared at Vanessa. What was she? 

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Y'all, I think this is the longest fight-y action scene I've ever written... and I'm having evil author fun with it mwahahahaha

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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