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I was his fated mate? My brows furrowed. What did that mean?

His words sent a shiver down my spine, both thrilling and terrifying me in equal measure. He reached out and took my hands in his, his touch warm yet rough, betraying the countless battles he had fought.

I pulled my hands back, gathering the sheet around my body.

"Your... what?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. This was too much, too fast.

"Please, let me explain," Draug pleaded, his gold eyes filled with sincerity. "There hasn't been a recorded mate bond in hundreds of years, but when we find someone who completes us– who makes us whole– we call them our fated mate."

His words swirled around in my head, like stars colliding in the vast expanse of space. It was a concept so foreign to me– could it be possible that this fierce alien werewolf saw me, a simple Earth-born nurse, as his other half?

"Wait," I stammered, trying to make sense of it all. "You mean... like a soulmate?" Soulmates were straight out of fairytales, not real life.

He nodded, his gaze never leaving mine. "Yes, but it goes deeper than that. It's a bond so strong that connects us on a level that is impossible to break." His gold eyes blazed with an intensity I'd never seen before. Like a thousand fires burned within him, each one longing to consume me.

"How– how do you know?" I was still trying to wrap my head around the enormity of what he was saying.

"I was falling asleep, and I noticed both my shoulders were hurting." He motioned at his bandaged shoulder. "I was only injured on one side– I'm feeling your pain in your shoulder. In the old stories, soulmates said they could feel each other's pain. And their eyes glowed when connected."

When connected... like how his eyes glowed when we had sex?

"And," he gripped my hands, "each time I look into your eyes, I see a future with you by my side. I feel your pain, your fears, and your hopes, as if they are my own. I can't resist the pull of our souls' connection."

As his words washed over me, something deep inside me stirred, a primal longing that seemed to confirm the truth of his claim. But how could it be? We were from different worlds, both literally and figuratively.

"Vanessa," Draug's voice was laced with determination, "It means our souls are bound together, for eternity. I know this is sudden and overwhelming, but I can't deny what my soul is telling me."

The intensity of his declaration left me breathless, a tangled mess of desire and fear. "Draug..."

His gaze bore into mine, fervent and unwavering. "You're my fated mate, and I will fight for you until my last breath. I will protect you at all costs, even if it means tearing apart the universe itself."

My chest tightened. "I... I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll be mine. Let me claim you as my mate."

I swallowed hard, his possessiveness leaving me both elated and uneasy.

"I care for you but I need time to process this." I held his gaze. "I won't let our love be dictated by fate or circumstance. It has to be a choice– one that we make freely, without fate or obligation."

Draug stared at me for a long moment, his eyes searching my face for any hint of doubt or hesitation.

Finally, he nodded, his jaw set with grim resolve. "Okay. But know this, Vanessa: I will never give up on us. You are my life, my heart, my soul. And nothing– not even the vast expanse of the universe– can keep us apart."

As he pulled me into his arms, his body trembling with barely restrained emotion, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for us.

But as I gazed into his golden eyes, so full of love and fierce determination, I knew one thing for certain: we were about to embark on a journey that would change our lives forever.

And there was no turning back.

My mind raced. The memory of my parents' turbulent relationship loomed over me like a dark cloud, casting doubt on everything for me.

"Where did you learn to fight like that, when we escaped?" I asked him, changing the subject instead of thinking about my parents.

"All of my battles in the arena." Draug's voice was low and filled with a pain I couldn't begin to understand. "Survival was my only option. Before that, I was a... trader of sorts on my brother's ship."

Hm, trader of sorts. That gave me illegal vibes– maybe a smuggler or something?

"Was there ever a chance for freedom from the arena?" My heart ached for him.

"Until now? No." He paused, looking down at me with those intense golden eyes. "But with you, Vanessa, anything seems possible."

I blushed under his gaze, feeling an odd mixture of pride and vulnerability. We did escape together. Our connection had grown strong in such a short time, but there were still so many unknowns between us. Who were we, really, in this strange new world?

"Tell me more about the Intergalactic Alliance," I asked, my curiosity piqued. "What do they want with Earth?"

"Power, control, resources," Draug answered bitterly. "They'll stop at nothing to expand their reach, even if it means enslaving entire planets."

"Jeez..." I trailed off.

"But I know the Empire isn't what's troubling you right now." He saw past my facade. "What's wrong?"

✶ ☾ ✶


I'm SWOONING over Draug!! Whaddya think? Drop some ❤️❤️❤️  in the comments if you're liking their relationship so far!!

Thank you so much to all my Patreon supporters for making this story possible!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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