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"Win or I claim and kill her, Wolf."

Anwir's words were like a punch to the solar plexus. Vanessa glared at Anwir and the wolf in me screamed to protect her.

But all I could do right now was fight and win.

The scent of blood and sweat hung heavy in the air, mingling with the raw energy pulsing through the arena. My heart pounded in my chest, a wild rhythm that matched the frenzied beat of the crowd's anticipation.

The gate before me groaned, revealing my opponent – a massive, grotesque creature with gnarled limbs and rows of razor-sharp teeth. A huge, hukling Ghuulkox– more monster than male.

"Feast your eyes on the Wolf's challenger!" the announcer bellowed, his voice booming through the arena. "A beast from the darkest depths of the galaxy!"

I swallowed hard, locking my gaze on the monster as it lumbered toward me. He was a massive, scaly behemoth with claws as long as swords and rows of jagged teeth dripping with viscous red drool.

The crowd erupted into frenzied howls as the beast lumbered out, the ground shaking with each thunderous step.

Every instinct screamed for me to run, but I knew there was no escape – not when Vanessa's life was at stake.

I could feel her fear, even from my position in the ring, as Anwir's slimy hands tightened around her neck.

"Enjoying the show, my dear?" Anwir sneered, yanking her closer. "Your beloved champion may not last long against this one."

"Get off me," Vanessa spat, wrenching free from his grasp. Her defiance brought a smile to my face, fueling my determination to protect her at any cost.

"Such spirit," Anwir mused, his many eyes narrowing in delight. "It will be a pleasure to break you."

My focus returned to the monster, its bone-crunching steps echoing through the arena as it closed the distance between us.

What? I tried to shift, but my wolf refused. Was it my heat? I needed my wolf right now. Shit, this heat was fucking everything up right now.

I circled cautiously, searching for any weakness or vulnerability I could exploit. I'd never had to fight without my wolf form.

"Come on," I muttered under my breath, steeling myself for the battle ahead. "You've faced worse than this."

As if sensing my resolve, the creature let out an ear-splitting roar and lunged at me. Shit! I barely managed to sidestep his attack, feeling the rush of air as its claws swiped through the space where I had been moments before.

Too close. Adrenaline flooded my veins as I evaded another strike. I needed to find an opening– a single moment when I could strike back and turn the tide in my favour.

"Your precious Wolf is struggling," Anwir taunted Vanessa, revelling in her distress. "Perhaps you should start preparing for your new life with me."

"Never," Vanessa hissed, her eyes flashing with resolve. "He'll win. You'll see."

"Bold words," Anwir replied. "But we shall see how long your faith lasts."

My heart swelled with pride at her unwavering belief in me, driving me to push harder, fight smarter. As the monster charged again, I spotted my chance – a brief gap in its defences, exposed by his reckless aggression.

"Got you," I growled, launching myself forward and driving my fist into the creature's side. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through my arm, but the beast's pained howl told me I'd struck true.

But at the same time, he slashed my face, landing a harsh blow that sent me reeling.

Pain lanced through my skull. I landed on the ground, the wind knocked out of me.

Vanessa called out my name. My heart nearly stopped when I saw her vaulting over the railing, her eyes locked on me with steely determination.

I rolled just in time to miss getting stomped.

"Vanessa, no!" I roared, my voice barely audible over the frenzied crowd and the guttural growls of the beast before me.

She sprang forward, sprinting toward me. The beast let out an earth-shattering roar and went after her.


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The tension is ratcheting up!! Who's gonna win 👀

Anyone else hate Anwir too?💩

Anyone else want a Draug of their own?🙋‍♀️

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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