I Love Turtle!

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Kinkajou's Pov

"Byyyyeeeee!" Sighing contently, I skip to my dorm, beaming. Turtle asked me out! TURTLE ASKED ME OUT!!! Err, technically I did, but he said yes so whatever! He's so cute with those blue eyes, and brown hair... I could spend hours staring at him! Actually, scratch that, that sounds creepy. Like I'm a stalker.

"Jeez, someone looks happy!" I look over to see my best friend Glory, who's a year older than me and in her sophomore year, looking amused.

"Course I'm happy!" I scoff, attempting to glare. She raises her eyebrow, and I fall apart in a heap of giggles.

"I asked Turtle if he'd go on a date with me, and he said sure, and now I'm so giddy I feel like I could run to the moon and back, maybe even the sun, and we're going to this new cafe, and it's like, soooo cute, and pink, and..." I keep rambling, and think back to Turtle, with his blue eyes, and brown hair, how he's so quiet and shy... I sigh.

"He's just soooo freakin' cute!!!" Oops, I said that out loud. I burst into giggles again, and this time Glory joins me.

"Alright, I won't hold you up. But you better tell me when your date is, so I can help dress you up." She gives me a finger wave, and I wave back beaming. Today is a cause for celebration!

Heading back to the dorm, I continue skipping, singing under my breath 'Pretty Girl', by Cairo. I should throw a party! And invite everyone! Including Turtle! Maybe I could even rope Moon into my party! I bet with a little make up, and a pretty dress, maybe do her hair up a little, the boys would be drooling over her! Happy with this plan, I continue skipping, earning some confused looks by some of my fellow freshmen. But whatever!

Wait, I chide myself, annoyed. Moon doesn't like parties. She gets all shy, and overwhelmed. Oh well! I sigh. Another hole in my plan. Yay...! Not.

I wish I was better friends with her. I mean, yeah, I'm her room mate, but she never opens up to me. She just... mainly sits in the corner, reading a book. Oh! But she's friends with WInter! I chuckle. The irony. I never thought that Winter was physically possible to have friends! Or a social life! Besides Qibli, of course! I'll have to ask Winter about her. Maybe  she'll be my friend, if I know more about her!

Grabbing my key from out of my pocket, I turn the lock, humming. Only when I opened the door did I realize something was wrong. Very wrong. Moon was laying on her bed. Sobbing. Oh shiz...

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