What the fuck?

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(Art is not mine :))

Winter's POV

Why the hell am I even here at this goddamn party? Oh right, my girlfriend. Grumbling to myself, I slowly made my way over to the food table, annoyed. Girls were all over me, and I just wanted a break. Looking for my girlfriend, I see her on the dance floor, dancing with a girl I've seen a lot lately. Snowfall. My 'cousin', and Lynx's best friend. She meets my glare calmly, then seeing it's me, sticks her tongue out at me and shows me the finger. I roll my eyes. So does she.

Making my way around the crowd, I see her. Fuck. It's Moon. Why the hell she's at the party tonight, I don't know, cause she always said she hated parties, but I instantly make a beeline for the nearest exit. Fuck me. Yes, the great Winter's a coward. At least I own it.

I bump into someone, and I curse internally. I glare at them, but they're unfazed. I realize it's Qibli, and I breathe out a sigh of relief (hey, I really don't want to deal with the girls. Don't they know I have a girlfriend?), then remember how Qibli is, then sigh again.

"Hey." He looks me in the eyes in acknowledgement, then brushes past me. Huh. He is always looking for the opportunity to talk, so it surprised me when he shut up for once. Concerned (yes, I have feelings too), I grab his shoulder, pulling him towards me so he looks at me.

"What's going on? Is it a girl?" I tease lightly, a smirk playing on my lips. He turns a faint pink, and just shrugs me off and leaves again. So... that was weird. Making a mental note to ask him about it later, I make my way to the exit, only to remember the reason why I came. My girlfriend. Shit... she'd be mad if I left early and without her.

I love her and she loves me, but we're not the perfect couple. Fuck, we argue more than any couple I know. But... we still respect (and love) each other, so I guess I'm staying, cause there's no way in hell I'm getting her off the dance floor. But, there has been more tension between us than usual... More fights, staying up late yelling, even Qibli's been getting visibly annoyed.

Oh god, I hope she's not drunk, I think, as I make my way back to her. That'll make her even harder to deal with. Seeing her on the dance floor, still dancing and shaking to the beat steadily, I conclude she's not (that) drunk, and decide I might as well make the most of tonight. Grabbing a cup and getting water, as the punch is definitely spiked (and I don't feel like getting drunk; at least not yet), I make my way to Kinkajou, the host of this... amazing party.

"Hey Winter!" She answers cheerfully, than as if remembering something, she visibly scowls. Realizing this, her face erupts in discomfort. Man, she wears her heart on her sleeves. She's practically like an open book.

"Hey, what'd I do to offend you, now?" She hesitates, turning away from me as her eyes searching the crowd. Seemingly not finding who she was looking for, she turns back to me, uncertainty written all over her face. I raise an eyebrow, and she sighs.

"It's not what you did to me. It's what you did to Moon." Scowling, I mutter curses under my breath.

"Hey, why aren't you on the dance floor?" I know, a terrible and sudden attempt to distract Kink, but Kinkajou buys it hook, line, and sinker, and becomes visibly more animated.

"Oh, so guess what?"

I raise an eyebrow, and quietly ask, 'What?'.

"Turtle finally asked me out!!" She squeals, and I smile for her. She's been crushing on him for weeks (which is a really long time for Kinkajou to have a crush on the same guy and not act), and always seemed so nervous and happy when he was around.

"How? Did he buy flowers? Did he bring you chocolate? Or sugar? Or..." I pause, thinking of more things she liked. "Or boba?" I smirk at her flushed face, and she stutters a bit before responding.

"N-no..." I fake gasp, pretending to be offended.

"How dare he! How could he ever be worthy of our ball of sunshine? Our precious Kink?" She giggles, and I smile. I've always liked it when she laughed. It always makes me feel... happy. Even when we were younger, I've always loved her laugh. In a brotherly way.

"Someones showing a lot of emotions today! You just mainly sit around, looking so bored and handsome..." It's my turn to look flushed, and she giggles again.

"He didn't get me any boba, or sugar, or chocolate, or candy, or flowers..." She sighs wistfully, and I laugh. "Technically, I asked him out." My eyes light up, and I smile wider.

"Really? Good for you Kink!"

"Thanks!" She smiles nervously, then sighs. "I took a break from dancing, and was trying to look for him. That's kinda the whole reason I had this party," She says ruefully, shaking her head. "I wanted to announce we were dating, if he was okay with it, but I can't seem to find him." She sighs sadly, and I feel bad.

"Maybe he's outside?" I suggest. "He's always seemed a bit shy and overwhelmed with too many people."

"OMG, you're brilliant!" She squeals and hugs me. "Why didn't I think of that?" She asks herself, before running off. I smile. They'll go far. Now me and Lynx, I have no idea.

I love her, but she's so irritable. She mostly uses me as arm candy, then ditches me the first chance she can. But... there were... a few times she opened up. A bit.

She was so... vulnerable. She hated it. But also loved it at the same time. I certainly loved it. That day, that day was the happiest she's ever been. The happiest I've ever been. She admitted she liked someone to confide in.

Deep down she's sweet, insecure. Deep down, she's caring and protective. Deep down, she's just like me. Putting on a poker face for the world to see, even when she's feeling her shittiest. Deep down, she adores Moon. I know how much she hurt Moon, I see it in her face, every time she looks at her. I'm sure of it. I see it in Moon's face too. Something.... happened between them, other than me. And that's why I'm determined. Not just for me, but for Moon. Moon, she deserves better. Better than me.

I know how much I hurt Moon too, and I'm trying to find the nerve to make up for it. I've seen the way her and Qibli look at each other; I'm sure something's going on there. But for now, I'm going to try to work on Lynx. She's like a safe that wants to be opened; needs to be opened even, but she just doesn't know how. And I'm pretty sure I've figured something out. I'm the key. And I'll stop at nothing to help her. Nothing. I won't give up on her. Never.

Lost in my thoughts, I wander around for a bit, eventually making my way to the punch bowl, when I hear screams. Lynx. I whip around, only to see a chandelier crashing down onto the dance floor. Right onto Lynx. And Moon. Only two thoughts rush into my mind. What the fuck? And Holy shit that's my girlfriend and my best friend. Before I know it, my legs move on there ơn and I'm rushing to help them.

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