We're going to a party!

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Kinkajou's POV

"Moon! Oh my gosh, what happened?" Tears stream down her face as she sob quietly, and I grab tissues, giving her space. Her eyes are red and puffy, and mascara and tears mingle freely flowing down her face.

Climbing up on a cabinet, I grab mugs and get my hot cocoa mix; if this ain't a moment when hot chocolate helps, I don't know what is! Filling it up with hot water and spooning the mix, I stir the cups (Of course I got some for myself!) and gently blow on the hot mixture. Moon just sits on her bed, listening to the clicking of the spoon and mugs, collecting herself.

Finally, the hot cocoa is ready, and I sit on the third bed (Our other roommate, Carnelian, transferred out of our highschool, and we haven't gotten a new roommate since.), handing Moon her cocoa (her bed's in the middle).

"Soooo... You... wanna talk about it?" Moon shakes her head, growing limp with exhaustion. Looking at her in her pitiful state, I can't help but want to help cheer her up. Maybe a party will work!

"Hey, I was thinking of throwing a party, and practically everyone's invited. You wanna come?" Oops. That just came out of my mouth. Get a grip Kink! She's either heartbroken, mourning, or both, and you wanna throw a frickin' party?

"Maybe you can find a nice guy there?" I say nervously. Ah yes, how did that meme go? Oh! 'It was then she knew; she had messed up' (yes, I know I censored it, but like what's the point of swearing? Glory does it all the time, and, not gonna lie, it's kinda annoying.)

"Oh my gosh I'm doing it again! I'm sorry, you probably don't want to go to a party while you're in the middle of your feelings!" My hand flies to my mouth. Fudge. I'm literally digging my own grave.

"OMG I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sound so insensitive! I just thought if you had a distraction from whatever's bothering you..." Understatement of the year. "It might make you feel better right?! I mean, who doesn't like parties?! Except you of course..." I facepalm.

"Oh my stars, what I'm trying to say is..." I break off, embarrassed. "I'm really bad at feelings! Like really bad! I was trying to distract you and relieve tension, but it's harder being Qibli than I thought! I was hoping you'd be distracted by the party and have a little fun! Lighten up! But it came out wrong and insensitive and I'm sorry!" Finished with my ramble, I peek out behind my hands. Moon's shaking.

"Oh! I'm so sorry if I made you cry in any way..." Moon looks up at me, tears in her eyes. But they're good tears. She's smiling.

"Umm... What's happening?" All of a sudden, Moon bursts out. Into laughter! I soon join her, and we laugh 'til we cry (well, 'til I cry. Moon already was crying). Plopping on our beds, we gasp for air. I sit up, and grab my now cold cocoa, previously forgotten.

"Wow... *gasp* Kinkajou... *gasp* I haven't... *gasp* laughed like that... *gasp* in... *gasp* a while..." Her laughter warms me from the inside out, and I beam, knowing I did something right. She sits up, her eyes twinkling and cheeks flushed.

"Were you serious about that party?" I straighten up, indignant.

"Of course I was! And you're going, whether you like it or not!" I make eye contact with her, and we both break up giggling.

"If you insist!" I brighten, and beam at her again! Squealing, I jump up and down.

Taking her hands in mine, I chant,"We're going to a party! We're going to a party! We're going to a party! Hooray!"

You Broke Me First (A Wings of Fire Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now